-Importing the module is now can also be done by:
from MatricesM import *
import MatricesM as mm
-dtypes are now passed as objects ( int,float,complex,dataframe ), not strings.
-Changed '_dir' to '__directory'
-Changed '_header' to '__header'
-Changed parameters to [*args and **kwargs](https://github.com/MathStuff/MatricesMbasic-syntax).
-Added more special distributions: betavariate,gammavariate,expovariate and lognormvariate
-Added 'PRECISION' attribute to be used in stdize,normalize and possibly more
-Added 'echelon' property to return the echelon form
-Added 'kwargs' property to return all attribute names and their values in a dictionary
-'cov' now returns the covariance matrix if no arguments passed
-'replace' method's 'column' parameter now also accepts lists
-'replace' method now has an option to return the matrix after evaluation
-Added 'asDict' to 'mode','median' and 'freq' methods
-Fixed eigenvalue calculation for most of the cases
-Added matrix multiplication written in Cython
-Updated some doc-strings
-Optimizations on some of the basic functions
-Fixes on creating randomly filled matrices, some of the setters and more
-Fixed/closed issues : 34, 36, 37, 46, 47, 48, 52, 64, 66,