
Latest version: v0.9a23

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-"decimal" parameter of the FMatrix and CMatrix now sets the printed decimals properly
F4 = FMatrix(5) Default amount of digits after decimal point to print is 4
F2 = FMatrix(5,decimal=2) A FMatrix with the amount of digits to print after decimal point set to 2
F4.decimal = 2 Set the value to 2 from 4
F2.decimal == F4.decimal Returns True

-Arithmetic operation methods updated, optimized
-Default range for "Matrix" class is set back to [-5,5]. "FMatrix" and "CMatrix" still have [0,1] as default ranges.
-"find" method fixed and added a new parameter to return the indeces starting from the desired point (Default is 1)
listOfIndeces = Matrix(10).find(0) Returns a list of tuples containing the indeces if value is found, else returns None

-Fixed package installation errors
-General bug fixes


-Added "freq" property to get the frequency of the elements in each column
-Small optimization tweaks
-Issue 15 solved in most cases
-Moved source files to "src" folder
-General bug fixes

[PyPI page](


-Cleaned up and optimized the initializing process to work faster
-"ranged" has the default value of [0,1] now
-"ranged" parameter now also accepts dictionary as the argument where the keys are the feature names and the values are the ranges desired to get random numbers from
randomData = FMatrix([250000,4],
Should take ~1500ms to create 250000x4 float valued matrix

-Square matrix creation optimized
randomData = FMatrix(1000) Should take ~150ms
randomData = Matrix(1000) Should take ~650ms

-CMatrix is added but not fully stable and doesn't support all the methods Matrix class has yet
randomData = CMatrix(1000) Should take ~1100ms

-Added more properties (Check [](
-Bug fixes

[PyPI page](


-Randomly or zero filled matrix filling process is more optimized
FMatrix([100000,10]) takes ~500ms
FMatrix([100000,10],randomFill=0) takes ~100ms

-Shortened the initializing process
-"find" method returns the right indeces now
-Bug fixes


-Added some statistical properties: Standard deviation, mode, median, interquartile range, variance
-Property names "avg" and "inRange" are now "mean" and "ranged"
-Added concatenation
-Added column naming
-Updated examples and some methods
-General bug fixes


-Added regular expressions for reading float values from strings
-Updated examples
-Bug fixes

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