
Latest version: v0.9a23

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-Categorized most of the methods within [MatricesM]( directory into different modules



-Added more case checking properties : Hessenberg, Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, Toeplitz, Unitary etc. [comparison](
-Added QR decomposition
-Added covariance calculation
-Reworked some statistics methods
-Added "asDict" parameter to ranged, mean, sdev, iqr and var to possibly return values in a list or the value desired
-Added normalization and standardization methods
-Added nilpotency calculation
-Added eigenvalue calculation (Not 100% functional. [Check here](
-Small updates on some methods
-Fixed features dissappearing after arithmetic operations
-Bug/issue fixes on inverse, rrechelon and rank methods


-Added more doc-strings
-Added more properties: hermitian, conjugation, permanent, trace... [Compare to 0.9a7]( and check [](
-Bug fixes in general


-Rolled back the Cython optimizitation for further development in another branch
-"summary" is now "obj"
-Added special case checking properties: isSquare, isSymmetric, isAntiSymmetric etc. [check](
-Updates on many magic methods for CMatrix to be allowed
-Comparison operators now return a matrix filled with 1's where the condition is True, and 0 otherwise
-Added "seed" parameter to set the seed for the random numbers to be generated
Example usage of seed :
a.seed Returns the seed
a.seed = "hello" Refills the matrix using the seed "hello"

Alternative for c=a.copy
c = Matrix(a.dim, ranged=a._initRange, seed=a.seed) "ranged" should use the desired matrix's initial range to copy properly

-More bug fixes


-Added Cython support for improved performance on random number generation (Cython and gcc are required.)
-Added linear regression example
-New build on [PyPI](


-Added the base of eigenvalue,eigenvector calculation method, currently works only on 2x2 matrices.
-"pearson_r" is now called "corr" and set to return the correlation matrix if called with no arguments
-Small tweaks and bug fixes

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