-Added more case checking properties : Hessenberg, Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, Toeplitz, Unitary etc. [comparison](https://github.com/MathStuff/MatricesM/compare/0.9a8...0.9a9)
-Added QR decomposition
-Added covariance calculation
-Reworked some statistics methods
-Added "asDict" parameter to ranged, mean, sdev, iqr and var to possibly return values in a list or the value desired
-Added normalization and standardization methods
-Added nilpotency calculation
-Added eigenvalue calculation (Not 100% functional. [Check here](https://github.com/MathStuff/MatricesM/issues/32))
-Small updates on some methods
-Fixed features dissappearing after arithmetic operations
-Bug/issue fixes on inverse, rrechelon and rank methods