
Latest version: v0.9a23

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-Fixed 53 , 57 ,58 ,
-Added "describe" property to return a matrix containing description of the matrix
-Feature/column names are now only printed if matrix's a dtype is 'dataframe'
-['add']( method now accepts 'dtype' parameter to be set if a column is added
-'listed' now works with 'dataframe' dtype, but still only picks up numbers from strings. [Examples](
-Fixed dtype and coldtypes setter to reload the matrix after setting new values
-Updated some of the example matrices




-Added filtering and sampling related methods. [Examples](
-Added coldtypes setter
-Fixed 38 , 55
-General updated and bug fixes



-Added 'dataframe' dtype base, allowing strings in matrices. Updated csv file reading.[Example](
-Added symmetrical matrix constructor
-"remove" method now accepts row and column arguments at the same time
-Fixed 44 , 45 , 49 , 20
-General updates on most of the statistics and linear algebra methods



-Added Cython and C optimizations for some methods




-Removed "subM", enabled sliced to be used directly by calling the matrix by its [name](
-Initialized a new folder for functions written in C.
-Added 'dtype' setter
-General updates and optimization tweaks on most of the methods
-Eigenvalue calculation is still not 100% functional, but now only returns the real number valued eigenvalues
-Added Involutory and Incidence case checking property
-General bug fixes

-[Compare to previous version](



-Removed subclasses, only data type is now 'Matrix' object
-Added 'dtype' to determine what type of elements will be in the matrix
-Name of the main '' file is now '' . So module can be import as :
from MatricesM.matrix import Matrix

-'randomFill' is now 'fill' and can accept numbers and some [distributions](
-Added more magic methods, bitwise operators
-Enabled more modularity
-Bug fixes

->[Compare to the previous version](

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