We are approaching the next main release 2.0.0. Technically, the target functionality has been achieved. The online documentation is not yet finished, but it is worth a first look: a new homepage, an AI-generated podcast and our chatGPT 'MLPRO', which already knows much about our project. There is already a lot to discover...
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What's Changed
MLPro-OA - Online Adaptivity
* Final changes in v2.0.0 (5) by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/1136
* Final changes in v2.0.0 (7) by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/1143
* Final changes in v2.0.0 (8) by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/1147
* Final changes in v2.0.0 (4) by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/1102
* Final changes in v2.0.0 (6) by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/1142
* Final changes v1.9.5 for MLPro-RL Documentation by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/1148
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/compare/v1.9.4...v1.9.5