What's Changed
* RL-POOL: Renaming and Refactoring MLP Envmodel for Robotinhtm by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/238
* Model Improvements 8 by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/239
* RTD Updates by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/235
* Data stream mining by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/243
* SB3 off policy algorithm by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/256
* Ur5 fix and SB3 fixed using 1.3.0 by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/259
* fix sb3 by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/263
* PettingZoo Wrapper Update by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/262
* OpenAi gym wrapper, SB3 test script, robotinhtm env by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/264
* Model improvements 9 by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/266
* RL-Train: turned off training data logging on eval by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/270
* Reformat Code by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/272
* Use deterministic for evaluation by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/273
* Hyperopt wrapper + bglp update by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/268
* Hyperopt by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/274
* Model Improvements 11 by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/280
* Hyperopt DataStoring by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/281
* Update _adapt method in MultiAgent class by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/282
* Double Pendulum Pool Env by budiatmadjajaWill in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/286
* Rtd updates by budiatmadjajaWill in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/257
* RL-Train: new param p_stagnation_entry by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/289
* RL-Train: Opt. continue after stagnation detection by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/290
* Model improvements15 by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/292
* Minor Improvement on Class MultiAgent by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/295
* RL-Env: Include gripper function in UR5 environment by budiatmadjajaWill in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/299
* Refactoring due to PettingZoo version 1.17.0 by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/302
* Optuna Wrapper Class by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/303
* Optuna Wrapper: Change methods names by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/305
* Optuna Wrapper: Add tuning recap visualization by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/307
* Doublependulum env improvement by detlefarend in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/311
* Model improvements20 by laxmikantbaheti in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/314
* Rtd updates3 by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/308
* Howto 20 and auto detect ros workspace by rizkydiprasetya in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/317
* Wrapper Gym Enhancement by steveyuwono in https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/pull/328
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/fhswf/MLPro/compare/v0.8.1...v0.8.5