
Latest version: v1.9.6

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Fixes and Improvements

Validation Config File as Topping

The validation config file used in the validator can now be exported and used as a topping file

Topping Export

That's why with this PR you have the option in the **Topping Exporter** to *create* a topping file from the variable with the name "validator_config" that is stored at the topping files.


Means we have now the validation-config.ini file in the toppings and link over the variable to the `ilidata:` key.

Topping Import

But what happens on project create with this topping?

Nothing :-) It keeps the `ilidata:` key in the variable. This means in the Validator we see the `ilidata:` key as well. And this can be used then on validation (passing this key as `--validConfig` to ili2db).



Financed by the QGIS Model Baker Group



Fixes and Improvements
- Fix issue with German translation and keyword "Modelle"
- Fix issue with using authentication configurations that are not available anymore



Fixes and Improvements
UsabILIty Hub / Topping Naming
- The word topping is only used for the QGIS related files: project topping (YAML), additional topping files (files used by the project topping like QML etc)
- Use metaconfiguration, reference data, extra meta attribute file etc. no matter if they come from local system, repositories or something like UsabILIty Hub...
- No mention of UsabILIty Hub anymore (it's not a hub!) but to have kind of a title of the whole systematic it's called now "UsabILIty Toppings"



Fixes and Improvements

Topping Exporter: Export all ili2db settings to metaconfig via ili2db

This allows us to use the exact same settings for the recreation of the schema with the metaconfig-file.


Thanks QGIS Model Baker Group for financing!

Other improvements
* Improve usability of basket page with descriptive text


* hide system layers in legend (since we have a powerful Basket Manager meanwhile :slightly_smiling_face: )
* make difference between action type SCHEMA_IMPORT and GENERATE (fixes 987)
* Busy bar on Topping Exporter



Fixes and Improvements
* Don't set "None" (instead of `None` like `NULL`) when no fallback user is given
* allow connections without username password
* For toppings: avoid issues with backslashes
* Create display expression for domains with translation considerations in
* Improve log outputs



Fixes and Improvements
* Log output from ili2db properly in the log files


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