The functionality to read such tables with multiple geometry columns is not standardized and does only work with GDAL Version >= 3.8
When a schema is created with this parameter `gpkgMultiGeomPerTable` and the Model contains multiple geometries per table, it can neither create a project on QGIS with GDAL<3.8 nor read a project that has been created on a QGIS with GDAL >= 3.8.
If no multiple geometries per table, it still can create a project from it by GDAL<3.8 or open such a project.
As well we need to be aware, that GeoPackages are not that powerful than PostgreSQL. Those not-standardized implementations have been tested with the testmodels, `KbS_V1_5` and `Nutzungsplanung_V310`. But there is no guarantee given that it works in every case.
Financed by the QGIS Model Baker Group
For TRANSLATION OF model, the database schema is created in it's original language (otherwise you would have to pass the parameter `--nameLang` manually), but on project generation Model Baker parses the meta table (`t_ili2db_nls`) and creates the GUI in the selected language.
The result is a translated GUI.
Financed by the Canton of Neuchâtel and the QGIS Model Baker Group
Superpower Dataset Manager
The Dataset Manager has existed for quite some time, but it was still not possible to edit baskets and delete datasets. This had to be done via the technical tables `t_ili2db_datasets` and `t_ili2db_baskets`. Not anymore. With the new Dataset Manager you can do everything like adding, modifying or deleting datasets and baskets.
![Screenshot from 2024-10-31 14-19-46](
Particularly useful are functions that delete depending children. This means that if you delete a dataset, the referencing baskets and all the data in this basket are also deleted. Of course, you will be warned if you do such critical things.
![Screenshot from 2024-10-31 14-20-11](
Financed by the QGIS Model Baker Group
Support non-password DB connections
This mainly concerns solutions with Active Directories and technologies such as Kerberos. There, authentication is performed on the server side, which means that Model Baker should attempt requests without a password.
And if no user name is defined in the connection settings, Model Baker uses the user name of the operating system as a “fallback” (obtained by `QgsApplication.userLoginName()`).
Financed by the Canton of Schaffhausen
Other things
* Show warning message in TID manager when OIDs cannot be found in
* Translation (Transifex) Guide in Documentation in
* [export] Hide superuser checkbox on PG export and make it possible to run PG export with authConfig and no superuser in
* Topping Exporter: Consider the layer type for style categories in and load style for raster layers as well in
* Fix on DB Manager: Get db type from settings and read the settings accordingly in
* Concern superuser login on receiving schema in