- Omit unused tables, since according the ili2db documentation for some tables an alternate creation is used
- Set the relation strength according to the interlis file
- If no table alias defined in the interlis file it takes the last part of the ili name as table alias
- Raise warning when schema or db-file already exists
- Option to edit ili2db commands
- Possibility to import schema without constraints
- Set the precision on project generation according to the values with the following tags in t_ili2db_column_prop table
- Added Iliupdater
- Support scientific notation in GeoPackage numeric ranges
- Use ili2db version 4.4.4
- Generate UUIDs on T_Ili_Id of GPKG layers
- Support filtering of domain values for extended domains
- Add 'baskets' and 'dataset' parameters for import/export operations in the API
- Support for ordering form widgets via TOML file
- Enable 3rd party plugins to set a list of layers to ignore