- Removed framework and init modules, and consolidated in sim module (so just need: 'from netpyne import sim')
- Added option to specify weight scale factor separately for each cell model, and for NetStims (issue 69)
- Conn rules can now have list of synMechs (eg. [AMPA, NMDA]) and synMechWeightFactor (eg. [1.0, 0.1]) (issue 69)
- Conn rules allow list of weights, delays and/or locs for each synMech in list (issue 69)
- Conn rules allow synsPerConn and loc to be described functionally (at the cell connection level) (eg. 'uniform(5,2)') (issue 69)
- Conn rules allow list of weights, delays, and/or locs when synsPerConn > 1 (issue 69)
- Conn rules allow 2D list of weights, delays, and/or locs when have list of synMechs and synsPerConn > 1 (issue 69)
- Conn rules allow list of sections or sectionList when synsPerConn > 1; synMechs distributed uniformly (loc list not allowed) (issue 69)
- Extended fromList connectivity function so can also provide synapse locs (issue 69)
- Added separate wrapper sim functions to create and simulate the network
- Sim functions use simConfig and netParams from __main__ as default (if not specified)
- Connections between NetStims and cells are included in conn list (issue 69)
- Fixed bug so can create Python and NEURON objects for connections independently (issue 69)