- Added support for artificial cells (without sections) (issue 44)
- A single NetStim (within a population) can now be connected to multiple cells (issue 113)
- VecStim populations use same params as NetStims and allows for pulses at arbitrary times with different rates
- NetStim and VecStim population allow for a uniformly distributed rates in the form [min,max]
- Added option to run batch sims via mpi and bulletin board (master/slave) (issue 108)
- netParams.shape paramter to select either 'cuboid', 'cylinder' or 'ellipsoid' network shape (issue 26)
- analysis.plot2Dnet() 'view' param to select frontal ('xy') or top-down ('xz') view
- analysis.plotConn() option to plot stacked bar graph, select different pre and post pops, synMech and syns vs conns
- Made distinction between number of connections and synaptic contacts (eg. can have 5 synsPerConn)
- New function netParams.addCellParamsSecList to create list of sections based on distance from soma
- Removed 'plast' and 'shape' from conns when not used (issue 177)
- Added option to center soma at origin when importing cell
- Now using noiseFromRandom123() for NetStims() (issue 89)
- Fixed bug in readCmdLineArgs()
- Fixed bug in saveData option of figure plots