- Fixed bug: STDP objects need to be stored so it works.
- Added support for SectionLists (modified format of importCell so also works)
- Fixed bugs: function-based connectivity
- Fixed bugs: not checking connectivity rule conditions properly
- Fixed bug: number of connections depended on number of nodes
- Added option to add STDP plasticity and RL to connections
- Added option to run function at intervals during simulation, e.g. to interface with external program (such as virtual arm)
- Moved plot legend outside of plot area
- Changed order of raster population colors to make separation clearer
- Added option to select what cells to record/plot from separately; using new format with cells/pops in single list.
- Fixed bug: convergence connectivity produced error if used numeric value
- Added option to show and/or save to file the timing of initialization, cell creation, connection creation, setup recording, simulation run, data gathering, plotting, and saving.
- Fixed bug: h.dt now set to value of simConfig.dt