- Added support for reaction-diffusion (RxD) and usage examples
- Improved performanced (speed) of connectivity algorithms
- Major code refactor to split functions across modules and subpackages
- Switched to Python 3 as the default development environment
- Optimized implementation of raster and spikeHist plotting using Pandas
- Added support for recording spikes from only a subset of cells using e.g. cfg.recordCellsSpikes = ['E2']
- Support for exporting to SONATA standardized network format (Beta)
- Support for Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) dipole mechanisms
- Added option for filename to saveData()
- Removed pop cellModelClass when saving
- Removed cell h object keys when saving
- Added support for evolutionary algorithm optimization (via Inspyred) and usage example
- cfg.popAvgRates now accepts a time range to calculate rates (e.g. to discard initial period)
- All NEURON objects now accessible via ['hObj'] key within Python network structure
- Fixed bug in batch to allow having only grouped params
- Fixed bug initalizing batch 'mpi_bulletin' and batch tutorial example
- Fixed bug: removed '\_labelid' from netParams when saving
- Fixed bug: made self.scaleConnWeightModels False when not used (avoids saving weird dict in json)
- Fixed bug in Pickle file encoding so works in Python3
- Fixed bug in convergence and divergence conn when repicking a value if postGid=preGid is randomly selected
- Fixed bug in rand initialization for string-based func with div conn
- Fixed issue in probabilistic connectivity random number generation to ensure replicability in Python 2 and 3.
NOTE on backward replicability: Due to several performance improvements and bug fixes to ensure future replicability in both Python 2 and 3, it won't be possible to replicate results of previous versions.