
Latest version: v3.3.10

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Interface Changes

* Added a GUI for new built-in NowPlaying scripts and new /now command to use
them. Supported players: Amarok, Rhythmbox, BMPx, XMMS/Infopipe, MPD/mpc.
An 'other' player option also exists.
* Added /buddy, /rem, unbuddy commands to Private Chat and Chat Rooms.
* The Userinfo Picture file chooser now displays a preview of the image
* Private Chat does not allow you to send messages while offline. New
disconnected and reconnected messages appear in the chat log. Another new
message is displayed if you were sent messages while offline.
* Users' Shares lists can be saved to disk and then reloaded them, for ease
and speed. On *nix, these files will be stored in ~/.nicotine/usershares/
* Display shares-scanning errors in the Log Window
* Added Titlebar messages on Private Chat and nick mention in Chat Rooms
* Disabled: Urgency Hint on highlight (Titlebar flashes, or WM tries to get
your attention) Doesn't work very well, disabled for now.
* Popup a warning message if the Guide cannot be found
* Added 'Copy all' menu item to Room Status logs and the debug log
* Also added icons to the Clear log and the Remove Dislike menu items
* Enlarged number entry boxes in Transfer Settings
* Added thread protection to File/Directory Chooser (was getting freezes)


* Search's Close button also "ignores" the search, like the X button the tab.
* Fixed bug in "Download file(s) to..." causing the path to be corrupted.


* Use a safer method to save the config file. Create '', move old
'config' to 'config.old', rename '' to 'config' (from 1.1.0pre1)


* Added 4 nicotine-plus-??px.png icons 16px, 32px, 64px and 96px.
* nicotine.desktop and nicotine-plus-32px.png are installed to
$PREFIX/share/applications and $PREFIX/share/pixmaps


* Added elaborate Unicode filename-reading hack. This should allow
non-latin files/directories to be added to the shares. (Since this feature
breaks in Linux, Windows detection is used throughout the filescanner
converting strings to unicode and back.
* Always load dbhash module on Windows


* Re-enable Server Ping (120 sec) and Timeout for Connection Close (120 sec)
* Spoof warning now includes the IP and port of the user sending the message.

Tray Icon

* Hacked apart Systraywin32 from Gajim to work with Nicotine+ on Windows
requires pywin32 which you can download from here:
* Fixed a bug with the Trayicon initially being icon-less


* Hungarian translation updated (djbaloo)
* Portuguese-Brazilian translation finished (SuicideSolution)
* Slovak Translation Updated (Jozef)

Bugfix release

* Made TrayIcon not attempt to load on 'win32' operating systems
* Fixed trayicon bug that caused error messages every time the Settings
window's Apply or Okay button was pressed when the trayicon isn't loaded.
(reported by renu_mulitiplus)
* Fixed displaying your own Userinfo image on Windows.
* Replace the characters ?, ", :, >, <, |, and * with an underscore _ on
Windows, to avoid filesystem errors. (Reported by theorem21)
* Made the Directory Chooser start with the predefined directory set.


General Changes

* Made columns reorderable (temporarily, they return to the default order
after a restart)
* Made the encodings Comboboxes give location or language details in a
separate column.
* Made all the popup menus have GTK stock icons.
* Made most of the Main Menu items have icons.
* Added three new menu options under help: Offline Nicotine Plus Guide, the
Nicotine-Plus Trac and the Nicotine Plus Sourceforge Project websites.
* Added the NicotinePlusGuide to, so it will be installed
* Set Firefox as the default http:// URL handler
* Replaced "pure text" percent column with a CellRendererProgress column in
the Downloads and Uploads transfer lists.
* Added option to UI Settings to show/hide the transfer buttons.
* Added expander to glade2py, so it can now be used.
* Rearranged the new user entry/buttons to the top left of their tabs, added
spacing inside tabs.
* Added more stock GTK icons to Settings and Userinfo, among other places.
* Added confirmation exit popup dialog when quitting with the window manager.
* Made the main window's minimum size to be 500x500 px

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a typo in that caused some transfers to get stuck
in the Initializing state, even though transfers still work.
* Fixed the Chatrooms tab hilite bug (reported by Offhand, xrc)

Tray Icon

* Made the Tray Icon's popup menu disable menu options based on connection
status. Also simplified its code to match the way Nicotine normally
creates menus.
* Made Trayicon toggleable while running from the UI settings or at startup
with --enable-trayicon, -t and --disable-trayicon, -d


* Made /search commands modify the search history
* Added 'clear search history' button to search
* Shortened Search tab length and added a label containing the full query
next to the "Enable filters" checkbox.


* Notifications: Now testing 'flite' support, a text-to-speech engine.
This may or may not be removed. The option is 'speechenabled'
* Moved Icon theme and Sound theme settings inside separate expanders.
* Notifications: Added a sound effect, room_nick.ogg, for nick-mention in
chatrooms (when not in that room) and a separate sound effect, private.ogg,
for when a private message arrives, and you are not in that tab. Sound
options are found in the UI settings, and separate sound theme directories
and audio players can be selected, as well. Ogg files are installed into


* Added support for sending and receiving Soulseek peer message 52, Upload
Queue Notification, which allows users to notify upload recipients that
they are attempting to send a file. Also, a log message is printed when a
user attempts to send you file(s) and an automatic is sent if they aren't
allowed to.
* Add a Bool to the GetUserStatus message received from the server, for
privileges. If 1, add user to list of privileged users.
* Added SendUploadSpeed (121) message which replaced SendSpeed (34) a long
time ago. Thanks to sierracat for the info, and to slack---line for testing.
* Modified CheckVersion function to allow for milli ( X.X.X.X ) versioning.

Bugfix release

* Disabled use of 'pwd' module on windows
* Fixed bug with Buddylist tab not appearing on startup.
* Fixed bug with double-clicking on a user in the Buddy not switching to the
correct private chat tab.


The final version

* Workaround for corrupted shares database problem which many Mac users seem to
* Notification for incomplete configuration
* Fix for a subtle race condition between starting transfers and getting a
list of privileged users
* It's now possible to give download privileges to users from the userlist
* Password entry box now uses ***
* Search responses are now buffered - less flicker, less stress on the client
* If log window is collapsed, messages are now duplicated in the status bar
* It's now possible to track status changes for the individual users from
the userlist


Added Features from Hyriand's Patch

* Pyslsk will ping the server every 30 seconds (rewrote it to be
* Search history (remembers 10 last searches)
* Log window is now collapsible (state is remembered between sessions),
rewrote it to look prettier than hyriand's version
* Resizable panels aren't deleted anymore when made really small
* Userinfo and browse tabs show user status
* /clear /c will clear a chat screen
* version in the window title

Other Fixes

* the default "queue if" limit is now 10 kb/s to avoid "how do I limit the
number of uploads" questions
* errors when decompressing filelists and search results no longer
cause a crash
* if locking a file is not possible, a download will continue anyway
with a warning

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