
Latest version: v3.3.10

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* RGBA mode is no longer on by default, to use it pass the --enable-rgba flag when starting Nicotine+
* On Windows, configuration files are now stored in the user's Application Data folder instead of the installation folder (bug 330)
* The configuration screen for shares has been rearranged in order to make it more logical (bug 341)
* Support for Mutagen has been added. This will result in more accurate information about bitrates and lengths (bug 259)
* Icons have been replaced, the alt-tab icon is increased.
* Most external calls now support pipes
* Improved German (bug 394) and French translation (thanks goes to \>\<((((*\>)
* The dependency for PyVorbis has been removed in favour of Mutagen (bug 409)
* Notification popups will no longer stack but a single popup will be updated


* Built-in Webbrowser (MozEmbed)
* Ignore by IP
* Windows components have been improved
* The language selection now uses normal names instead of abbreviations (bug 332)
* When switching languages GTK will be translated as well
* Hash checking to eliminate duplicates. When a file name conflict arises after a download finishes both files are hashed
to make sure the new file is not identical to the old one.
* Public Room support has been added
* The amount of tracked and displayed search results is now limited, which should allow nicotine+ to cope better with overly
generic search terms. Internally a maximum of 1500 are recorded, of which a maximum of 500 are shown. The other 1000 can be
retrieved by using the filters. (bug 284)
* Notebook tabs can be reordered and hidden, and these settings will be remembered.
* Search results are now limited. There are two different limits:
1) The show limit. This is the amount of results shown in the search tabs
2) The store limit. This is the amount of results stored internally. This is useful when using search filters
These limits are configurable from the configuration screen. (bug 284)
* Nicotine tries to rename itself from 'python' to 'nicotine' for programs like 'ps' (requires procname module) and 'pkill' (bug 355)
* 'Remember choice' option in the quit confirmation dialogue
* It is possible to ignore people based on their IP address
* Import warnings are now shows in the log window as well as in the console (bug 381)
* New logging functionality, which means no more messages should get lost in the console
* You can change your password now (bug 424)
* Misc. improvements to transfer handling
* Tab completion can be done by in-line replacement instead of dropdown list
* Transfer views now have a 'Place in line' column


* The Danish translation is now stored under 'da'
* Fixed sorting of percentage (bug 322)
* A number of typographical errors have been corrected (bug 334 and 335)
* When disabling sound this setting will be loaded correctly now (bug 285)
* Repaired sayprivate function from the pluginsystem
* The Windows versions now comes with jpeg62.dll (bug 342)
* The word '-' is now filtered from search queries (bug 367)
* Handling of word wrapping of extremely long words is improved
* Tray icon menu on OSX
* Private Room handling has improved (bug 432)



* Added to the now-player (gallows)
* Added first version of the plugin system
* Tabs can be closed using the middle mouse button
* Usernames can be copied from the channel list (right click, select the
username from the menu)
* Added a popup that will inform users in case a local port cannot be bound
* Connections will be dropped when the maximum is approached, decreasing the
chance for "IOError" messages


* 'Send to player' failed because of missing quotes for finished downloads
* Fixed a bug with tuple error message causing a traceback
* Fixed a translation bug, caused by tabs positions top, left, etc that caused
settings dialog to not work properly
* Fixed rhytmbox support with "Now Playing" (gallows)
* Fixed Audacious support with "Now Playing" (gallows)
* Fixed sending out the wrong username with search results
* Updated all server references to the new server
* A inverted port range no longer causes connection failures
* Removed deprecated GTK calls


* Radio buttons now allow the buddylist to be toggled as always visible, in own
tab, or in the chatroom tab.

General Changes

* The Edit menu has been broken into Edit, View and Shares menus
(similar to Enr1X's patch )
Also fixed the duplicate Alt-B hotkey (hide flags is now Alt-G).
* Committed QuinoX's patch for case-insensitive nick completion (252)

Chat Rooms

* Added Server Message 141, enables Private Chat Room Invitations and thus
allows those you invite to get past the annoying server message that warning
when a user you've invited 'hasn't enabled private room add'.
* Blocking a user's IP address is now easier with the addition of a chatroom
popup menu item
* Private Rooms: You can now create private rooms via the roomslist popup menu
and add users to your private rooms via any chatroom user popup-menu. You can
also drop ownership of a private room and drop membership of another person's
private room. This feature is currently available on the testing server only.


* Country flags are shown in search results, metadata dialogs


* Upload and Download transfer lists now have customizable double-click options
in Transfers->Events.
* A Backup config menu item was added to the Edit menu. This will backup your
Nicotine+ config and config.alias (if it exists) into a BZ2 archive. If you
cancel the backup filename saving process, an archive with the format
'config backup YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.tar.bz2' will be created.
* Visible colors have been added to the Colour settings (for those who don't
read hexadecimal).
* Separate fonts for Search, Transfers, Browse and a font for all other lists
can now be set.


* Slovak Translation Updated (Jozef)



* Relicensed all code under GPLv3 and LGPLv3

General Changes

* Config menu items that were in the File menu moved to the new Edit menu
* Added credits and license note to About Nicotine dialog.
* Disable many widgets (entries, buttons, lists) when disconnected from server
* User tabs have right-click popup-menus in private, userinfo and userbrowse.
* libnotify support added (patch by infinito ticket 176 )
notification-daemon, libnotify and python-notify required
* Added a 10 second cooldown between responding to Userinfo and Usershares
requests from the same user (to mitigate damage from DOS attacks and simple
* Notification text on tabs can be colored
* Notification icons on tabs can be disabled
* Close buttons on tabs no longer forced to 18x18px
* Close buttons are dynamically added and removed when toggled in settings
* Added global unrecommendations list
* Merged Amun-Ra's 'Country flag column in Chatroom userlists' (this is a new
feature on the testing server) but works with manual IP lookups with GeoIP.
This requires the 242 flag images. Additions to several server messages are
used instead of GeoIP if they are available.
* Simplified GeoIP module loading

User Info

* Added popups to user's interests lists (search, add and remove interests)
* Added a zoom and save popup menu to the Userinfo image.


* Shares are precompressed, before they're sent (Nicotine will recover faster
from many shares requests)
* Unicode filenames on Win32 are now read and shared properly (should be)


* Tooltips can be disabled
* Settings widgets will now be colored red if their values are invalid.
* Your client port and server-reported IP address are shown in Server Settings
* Added an option to Shares for the Upload directory path (needs to be set)
The upload directory is where your buddies 'uploads' will be saved.
* Default colours and clear colours buttons added
* All Notebook Tabs can be repositioned and the labels can be rotated 90⁰
under Settings->Interface->Notebook Tabs
* Added Exaile to NowPlaying
* Added a config option for overriding the default language
* URL handlers settings rearranged slightly, combo items in the handlers column
* Rearranged the Settings tree and removed some descriptive panes
* Added IP blocking and range blocking with * character
* Some Entry widgets in settings replaced with SpinBoxes
* Userinfo settings now have size data for image
* New options to to determine what happens when destroying the main window
(show a dialog, close to tray, or quit)


* Search is now a genuine TreeView that supports group-by-user and
has a expand/collapse all toggle when grouping is enabled.
* Added a Clear results button
* Added 'Download containing folder(s) to..' to the search results popup
* Open a new socket for every outgoing search result to avoid problems with
shared sockets getting closed.
* Only close sockets of incoming search results if input/output buffers are
empty. (this may still result in the transmitting sockets)
* Added Search and Open Directory items to the uploads popup menu
* Search results encoding improved (user's encoding, falls back to global)
* Search results turn red when a user goes offline (configurable)
* Added a 'multiple users' submenu to search results popup


* Show total time elapsed and remaining in user's parent row instead of the
current transfer's time elapsed and time remaining.
* Added a maximum files-per-user limit to the upload queue
* Added a 'Clear Failed' item to the uploads menu
* Added 'Clear Filtered' and 'Clear Paused' to the downloads menu
* Fixed pausing of aborted downloads after reconnecting to the server.
* Added an 'Auto-retry Failed' checkbox to downloads (3 minute timer)
* Added an 'Autoclear Finished' checkbox to uploads
* Notify popups for completed files and completed directories (toggleable)
* Added a 'multiple users' submenus


* Whitespace is now limited to two spaces
* Show icon, sound, speech and title notifications for "current" chat tab
if the window is hidden.
* Notify popups for buddies with "notify" enabled :)
* Read chatroom logs (and attempt to parse them) when rejoining a room.
Parsing will not work if the logs do not use the default timestamp format.
Chat room and Private chat logs are in separate sub-directories, now.
* Threaded /aliases and /now commands (GUI no longer freezes)
* Use the /detach and /attach chatroom commands to pop chatrooms and private
chats into their own windows.
* Text-To-Speech support added (configurable under Settings->Misc->Sounds)
individual chat rooms can be disabled with the text-to-speech toggle button.
Chat messages are read out, and nick mentions are announced. By default,
there are commands for flite ( )
and festival ( ).
* URL text color is configurable (doesn't effect old links after changing)
* Timestamps are now configurable, disableable (under Settings->Chat->Logging)
* Log files' timestamps are also configurable. Default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
* Added a help button for chatroom commands
* Added hide/show buttons in chatrooms for userlist and status log. These
buttons can be hidden by Edit->Hide chat room log and list toggles
* Username away color-status in chat can be toggled off
* Added Auto-Replace list (applies to all outgoing chat message text)
* Added Censor list (applies to all chat message text)
* A popup dialog appears after closing the last chat room while the roomlist
is hidden.
* URL's are now converted back to plain text by the URL catcher
(before only %20 were converted to spaces)
* Usernames in chat logs and private, userinfo and userbrowse tab labels are
marked offline when disconnected from server
* Ticker moved to the top-left of the chat room frame;
* Added settings for tab completion and dropdown completion list
* Added a completion dropdown list (gtk.EntryCompletion) to chat entries

Bug Fixes

* Re-enabled the 'if i.size is None' check which should fix some upload issues
* Fixed a error message printed after aborting an upload directory popup
* Fixed a major slowdown in needConfig function (was reading shares data)
* Pressing enter in Search Filter entry boxes now works again
* Readded "/" to pasted folder slsk:// URLs
* Reading slsk.exe's cfg files should now work on Windows


General Changes

* Support for Spell Checking in chat added (libsexy and python-sexy required)
* Other users Interests are now shown in the User Info tab, with expanders
* Send Message added to trayicon
* Popup Menus in Private, Chatrooms, and User Browse reorganized
* The user-entry boxes are now buddy-list combobox entries
* Users with PyGTK >= 2.10 will use the gtk.StatusIcon instead of
the old module.
* Added a filemanager popup item to the self-browse menu; configurable
under Settings->Advanced->Events
* Gstreamer-Python support for sound effects added
* Added Soulseek testing server (port 2242) to the server combobox.
* Changed the URL Catcher's syntax. The ampersand "&" is no longer needed
at the end of URL Handlers. The handler entry is now a combobox and
includes a bunch of webbrowser commands.
* Userlist Columns are hidable and hidden status is saved.


* Added a "Group by users" check box
* Added Expand/Collapse all toggle button to transfers
* Added a popup dialog to the "Clear Queued" transfers buttons

Private Chat

* Added gallows' patch for including your username in the private chat log.
(ticket 161)
* Direct private messages (currently only supported by Nicotine+ >=


* Search now has combo boxes, per-room searching and per-user searching.
* Added Wishlist and changed remembered search tabs to only display
when new search results arrive
* Switch to newly started search tab (ticket 157)

User Info

* gallows added userinfo image zooming via the scrollwheel (ticket 160)


* Changed Audio Player Syntax it now uses "$" as the filename
* Exit dialog can be disabled in Settings->UI
* When a config option is detected as unset, print it in the log window.
* Move Icon theme and trayicon settings to a separate frame
* Move sound effect and audio player settings to a separate frame
* Reopen Settings dialog, if a setting is not set.


* On Win32, hyriand's multithreaded socket selector is used. This will allow
a larger number of sockets to be used, thus increasing stability.
* Added Server Message 57 (User Interests)
* Send \r\n with userinfo description instead of just \n

Bug Fixes

* Uploads to other Nicotine+ users work better
* Userinfo Description does not scroll to the bottom of the window
* Fixed a few bugs with the trayicon
* Fixed server reconnection not actually trying to reconnect (and giving up
on the first try)


* Lithuanian translation updated
* Euskara translation updated

General Changes

* The About Nicotine+ dialog now shows the versions of Python, PyGTK and GTK+
* Copy was added to the right-click menus in chat status and
debug logs.

Bug Fixes

* The shares scanning progress bar now disappears after scanning shares a
little more frequently.
* Fixed a bug in the way total transfer slots were calculated
* Improved Remote-Uploading somewhat (was quite buggy with two Nicotine+ clients)
* Fix directory name cropping in 'upload directory to' in User Browse
* Attempted to fix the 'interrupted system call' (which sometimes are caused
by gtk+ file dialogs) from stopping the networking loop.
* Username hotspots for users who are offline or have left the room aren't
disabled anymore.


* Downloads have a metadata popup dialog with bitrate / length
* Right-clicking when nothing is selected will select a row
* In parent row, display the current transfer's time elapsed and time left.
* Transfer popups work better on parent rows


* Silvio Orta updated the Spanish translation
* \>\<((((*\> and ManWell updated the French translation
* nince78 updated the Dutch translation
* Nicola updated the Italian translation
* Žygimantas updated the Lithuanian translation


General Changes

* Window size is restored on startup
* Background color of entry boxes, text views and list views is now changeable
and all lists foreground color changes with the 'list text' option.
* Added some padding around various widgets
* Tabs can be reordered on the fly, now (Requires PyGTK 2.10) Also, Chat Room
tab positions are saved in their reordered position.
* Per-file indentation consistency was drastically improved., and a few others were really bad.


* Added an Import Config frame to Settings, which duplicates the functionality
of nicotine-import-winconfig. User can now easily import config options
from the official Windows Soulseek client's config directory. Support for importing
the ignore list was also added to nicotine-import-winconfig.
* Translux (pseudo-transparent TextViews) is an old easter egg that is now
customizable in UI Settings.
* Transfer settings was rearranged and organized with expanders
* Transfer settings has a new combo box for selecting which users are allowed
to initiate uploading files to you. Trusted users are set in the buddy list.
* Added several tooltips to Settings' transfer widgets in hopes of providing
better explanations of some of the more complex functionality.

User List

* Comments in Buddy List can now be edited in-list by clicking twice on the
comment column, not by double-clicking (which would open Private Chat).
* Trusted checkbox column added to the buddy list. Trusted users are an
optional selection of users to whom remote uploads can be limited.


* Usernames in the chat room log now have hotspots associated with them,
meaning they can be left-clicked on to load the same popup as you have in
the users list.
* Usernames are also colored based on Online, Away and Offline/In-Room status.
This option can be disabled in UI Settings.
* "User is away/online/offline" messages removed from Private Chat


* Transfers are now sub-items in a one-step tree with the user as a parent
* QuinoX's patch, a download filter: ( ) was
reworked a little and given a nice listview to add the Regular Expressions
(filters) to. This feature will allow you to blacklist certain types of
files, which may save you from the pointless downloading and cleanup of
unwanted files.
* Downloads and Uploads popup menus have a new item under the user submenu,
"Select User's Transfers".
* Uploads can be retried
* The Size column now has the current file position and the total file size
* Remotely-Initiated-Uploads will no longer be accepted if an Upload Queue
Notification message has not been sent, first. This means versions of
Nicotine+ earlier than 1.2.5 will not be able to initiate sending you files,
no matter what your allowed uploaders is set to.

User Info

* Stats were rearrange and the status of who is allowed to initiate uploads to
the user was added.

User Browse

* The browsetreemodels functions were disabled, and file and folder treeviews
were reimplemented with code from the PyGTK2 museek client, Murmur.
* Search now works slightly different. Queries match all files in a directory,
and switch between matching directories each time.
* Tree lines and a 'Directories' sorting header were added to the Folder Treeview
* Upload Directories Recursive was added to Folders' Popup
* An expand / collapse all directories button was added
* Recursive downloads in User Browse now checks from > 100 files and displays
a Warning dialog that gives you a chance to cancel downloading.


* Search has a new popup window for displaying the metadata of search results.
This popup is accessible after selecting 1 or more files and clicking on the
"View Metadata of File(s)" popup menu item. From this window, you can also
download file(s) or initiate browsing of the current file's user's shares.


* Handle all peer message unpacking with an exception handler. Should make us
safer from malformed data sent by users.
* Close peer connection when userinfo's or browse's close buttons are pressed.
(This is to save bandwidth)


* \>\<((((*\> updated the French translation
* (._.) and Meokater updated the German translation
* nince78 updated the Dutch translation
* Nicola updated the Italian Translation
* Added Finnish translation by Kalevi
* Added Lithuanian Translation by Žygimantas
* Added Euskara (Basque) translation by Julen of

Bug Fixes

* Various minor bugs killed
* Userlist selection bug fixed
* Fixed search results from last session being placed in search result tabs in
new session that match their tickets by using random tickets instead
starting from 0.
* Fixed Big memory leak with PixbufLoader in Userinfo (call garbage collector)
* Fixed large-file (>4GB) file scanning and shares browsing issue

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