
Latest version: v3.3.6

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* Fixes for bugs in 1.0.0pre1
* "Download containing folder" should now be possible for search
results that pyslsk returns


* Nasty Bug(tm) fixed
* URL catcher fixup
* Server banner is now shown
* Hide log window menu item
* Win32 fixups


* Pysoulseek is now searchable; it does not however support being a parent node
in the distributed network
* Unicode support that allows using pyslsk with Unicode builds of wxPython,
such as Gtk2 build
* Reduced flicker in transfers panels
* Reduced CPU/memory consumption when uploading big files
* Shared files database is now stored in a pickled format in a separate file
* Fixed a problem with broken VBR mp3 files
* A situation when someone else logs in under our nickname is now handled
* pyslsk now responds to place in queue requests
* It is now possible to exit pyslsk when a server connection is in progress
* Download directory is now created when the transfer starts
* Inverse colour gtk themes are now usable with pyslsk
* A bunch of smaller bugfixes


* URL catching
* Bugfix: /ip no longer shows None
* Bugfix: CheckUser would fuck up when disconnected
* Fixed date for 0.5.0


* Geographical blocking using GeoIP (optional)
* Userlist only sharing
* Userlist values are reset after disconnect
* Small bugfixes and typos
* Instead of printing certain bugreports to the console,
it now sends a private message to hyriand instead


* wxPython 2.3.4 at least is now required as the previous versions had trouble
displaying user info picture
* Chatrooms and private chat conversations can now be written to files
(patch by Zip)
* Fixed a problem with transfers stuck in "Waiting for peer to connect"
* Fixed a problem with changes in userlist or the whole userlist being
lost sometimes
* Fixed potential problems with asynchronous connect()
* Empty files are now uploaded and downloaded correctly
* Fixed a problem with scanning unreadable directories
* It is now possible to exit during the auto-reconnect
* pyslsk was autoreconnecting when the server did not let us in due
to the wrong password or other valid reason
* Away state is now preserved during the reconnect

Version 0.4.10d (January 2, 2003)

* ID3 mp3s are now scanned quicker
* Retrying aborted transfers if the user has logged off is now handled
* If a transfer is negotiated and new transfer requests arrive, they are
* Disconnecting now correctly handles changes in downloads and user list
* Clicking on column header outside the titles no longer produces a traceback

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