* Major performance improvements when rescanning shared files and sending user browse responses to others
* Several performance and stability improvements related to connections and file transfers
* Several Windows fixes regarding memory leaks, unresponsiveness and issues when starting Nicotine+
* Reduced memory usage while rescanning shared files
* Consistent startup times no matter the number of shared files.
On large file shares, this cuts down startup times from tens of seconds to 1-2 seconds, depending on your hardware.
* Numbers are now appended to the file names of duplicate downloads
* Your personal upload speed is no longer reported as 0 B/s
* In folder/user grouping mode, selecting a user or folder now allows you to retry/cancel all downloads under them
* Added quick-access checkbox for enabling/disabling private room invitations
* Replaced ticker banner with room wall, which displays individual messages from room users
* "Send to player"-feature is functional again
* Queue position of downloads is now asked automatically
* The wishlist feature now works as intended, sending one search at a time instead of three. Wishlist items can also be renamed.
* Improved notification settings
* Improved readability in search results and transfer views
* Several other UI fixes and improvements
* A rare issue where all tabs were hidden on startup has been fixed
* Using non-Latin characters in the Windows client now works properly again
* The Windows installer size was reduced from ~40 MB to ~25 MB
* The Windows installer now removes old Nicotine+ system files before updating installations
* Removed support for detachable tabs due to low usage and bugs
* Replaced Mutagen with pytaglib for audio file metadata scanning due to performance issues
Issues closed on GitHub
* Brew OSX Install ([58](
* Flatpak build ([102](
* Fix remaining GTK warnings ([290](
* right click user implicitly selects all files downloading from that user. ([308](
* two cds saved in the same folder ([313](
* Fatal error detected" when trying to run Nicotine on Windows 10 ([413](
* RAM usage ([416](
* if no close button on tabs it's not possible to close User search file notebook ([428](
* Question; what diff between scanning and rebuilding share ? ([430](
* notify sharelist is empty ([434](
* double click is received on selection despite being performed on blank space ([437](
* align columns text to left, right or center ([438](
* url catching stop to work since update of 2 days ago ([457](
* Font worrie > ([458](
* progress bar stuck at 100% ([454](
* Question : how to auto-join a room ? ([464](
* Every you can right click a user, but not in the chat, there it's left click. ([466](
* Tree view expand/collapse is not respected on new transfer ([473](
* application content is not displayed properly with tabs set to side ([474](
* Completed downloads are re-Queued ([477](
* search tab "close thistab" missing if 3 tabs are open ([481](
* close button in About Nicotine+ doesn't work ([485](
* Wishlist has issues with chinese characters ([498](
* Wishlist - Ability to rename wishlist searches ([499](
* Certain searches don't stop even after closing the tab, restarting the program, and/or disconnecting and reconnecting to Soulseek ([520](
* stacktrace: struct.error: required argument is not an integer ([527](
* something goes wrong .... ([529](
* Warning: unknown object type 'bool' in message 'pynicotine.slskmessages.FileSearchResult' ([535](
* regression on open files on OpenBSD ([536](
* Chat messages went nowhere and I got this trace. ([545](
* filter out unspecific searches ([551](
* Mouse cursor does not indicate draggable borders ([552](
* Network share issue ([559](
* possibly worrie with upload stuck in connecting state if folder uploaded ([564](
* Let user choose for International flag ([569](
* Search -> Right Click -> Download folder(s) does nothing ([574](
* Some weird characters prevents download of file ([578](
* some margin lines are missing (possible qt/gtk issue) ([593](
* arrows are missing from the tree view collapse/expand ([594](
* Nicotine Freezes With Too Many Transfers ([609](