* Add support of alternative array classes (other than NumPy arrays)
By :user:`Mads R. B. Kristensen <madsbk>`, :issue:`305`.
* Add ability to find codecs via entrypoint `numcodecs.codecs`.
By :user:`Martin Durant <martindurant>`, :issue:`290`.
* Add bitround codec
By :user:`Ryan Abernathy <rabernat>` and :user:`Martin Durant <martindurant>`, :issue:`298`.
* Introduce a flat option to ensure_contiguous_ndarray to switch off flatten for ZFPY codec
By :user:`Haiying Xu <halehawk>`, :issue:`307`.
Bug fixes
* Fix a flatten array error for ZFPY, ZFPY codec is supported on Python 3.9
and 3.10 on Linux and MacOS, the docs about ZFPY is also available.
By :user:`Haiying Xu <halehawk>`, :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`,
:user:`Ryan Abernathey <rabernat>` :issue:`303`.
* Codex: make encode and decode abstractmethods
By :user:`Mads R. B. Kristensen <madsbk>`, :issue:`306`.
* Fix expected result test for Shuffle.
By :user:`Elliott Sales de Andrade <QuLogic>`, :issue:`282`.
* Multiple code linting fixes.
By :user:`Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos <DimitriPapadopoulos>`,
:issue:`295`, :issue:`294`, :issue:`293`, and :issue:`292`.
* Drop Python 3.6
By :user:`Josh Moore <joshmoore>`, :issue:`318`.
* Fix macOS Python 3.10
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`311`.
* chore: bump cibuildwheel version, use action
By :user:`Henry Schreiner <henryiii>`, :issue:`309`.
* Specify `language` as `'en'` instead of `None`.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`329`.
* Move `master` to `main`.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`322`.
* Drop `fastparquet` benchmark.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`321`.
* Trim wheel builds.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`320`.
.. _release_0.9.1: