* Update Cython to 0.29.14.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`168`, :issue:`177`, :issue:`204`.
* The bundled c-blosc sources have been upgraded to version 1.17.0.
This fixes compilation with newer versions of gcc.
By :user:`Joe Jevnik <llllllllll>`, :issue:`194`.
* Create ``.pep8speaks.yml``. By :user:`Alistair Miles <alimanfoo>`.
* Simplify datetime/timedelta check.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`170`, :issue:`171`.
* Update URL metadata for PyPI.
By :user:`Elliott Sales de Andrade <QuLogic>`, :issue:`178`.
* Enable pytest rewriting in test helper functions.
By :user:`Elliott Sales de Andrade <QuLogic>`, :issue:`185`.
* Rewrites the ``ensure_text`` implementation.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`201`, :issue:`205`, :issue:`206`.
* Add macOS to CI.
By :user:`Alistair Miles <alimanfoo>`, :issue:`192`.
* Fix test failures on big-endian systems.
By :user:`Elliott Sales de Andrade <QuLogic>`, :issue:`186`.
* Use unittest.mock on Python 3.
By :user:`Elliott Sales de Andrade <QuLogic>`, :issue:`179`.
* Don't mask compile errors in setup.py.
By :user:`Joe Jevnik <llllllllll>`, :issue:`197`.
* Allow pickles when loading test fixture data.
By :user:`Elliott Sales de Andrade <QuLogic>`, :issue:`193`.
* Update ``cpuinfo.py``.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`202`.
* Use ``ensure_text`` in JSON codecs.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`207`.
* Support Python 3.8.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`208`.
.. _release_0.6.3: