* The :class:`numcodecs.zfpy.ZFPY` codec is now supported on Python 3.8 if
`zfpy==0.5.5 <https://pypi.org/project/zfpy/>`_ is installed.
By :user:`haiying xu <halehawk>`, :issue:`229`.
* Add support for byte Shuffle filter
By :user:`Paul Branson <pbranson>` and :user:`Martin Durant <martindurant>` :issue:`273`.
* Update Windows + Mac CI to run all tests.
By :user:`Jackson Maxfield Brown <JacksonMaxfield>`, :issue:`276`.
Help from :user:`Oleg Höfling <hoefling>`, :issue:`273`.
* Update cpuinfo to 8.0.0.
By :user:`Florian Jetter <fjetter>`, :issue:`280`.
* Drop out-of-date manual release docs.
By :user:`John Kirkham <jakirkham>`, :issue:`272`.
* Add support for Python 3.9 and Update GitHub Actions.
.. _release_0.7.3: