New codecs:
* Two new compressor codecs :class:`numcodecs.zstd.Zstd` and :class:`numcodecs.lz4.LZ4`
have been added (:issue:`3`, :issue:`22`). These provide direct support for
compression/decompression using `Zstandard <https://github.com/facebook/zstd>`_ and
`LZ4 <https://github.com/lz4/lz4>`_ respectively.
* A new :class:`numcodecs.msgpacks.MsgPack` codec has been added which uses
`msgpack-python <https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-python>`_ to perform encoding/decoding,
including support for arrays of Python objects
(`Jeff Reback <https://github.com/jreback>`_; :issue:`5`, :issue:`6`, :issue:`8`,
* A new :class:`numcodecs.pickles.Pickle` codec has been added which uses the Python pickle protocol
to perform encoding/decoding, including support for arrays of Python objects
(`Jeff Reback <https://github.com/jreback>`_; :issue:`5`, :issue:`6`, :issue:`21`).
* A new :class:`numcodecs.astype.AsType` codec has been added which uses NumPy to perform type
conversion (`John Kirkham <https://github.com/jakirkham>`_; :issue:`7`, :issue:`12`,
Other new features:
* The :class:`numcodecs.lzma.LZMA` codec is now supported on Python 2.7 if
`backports.lzma <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/backports.lzma>`_ is installed
(`John Kirkham <https://github.com/jakirkham>`_; :issue:`11`, :issue:`13`).
* The bundled c-blosc library has been upgraded to version