- ``scikit-learn`` has been removed as an optional dependency. [1774]
New Features
- ``photutils.datasets``
- Added a ``make_model_image`` function for generating simulated images
with model sources. This function has more options
and is significantly faster than the now-deprecated
``make_model_sources_image`` function. [1759, 1790]
- Added a ``make_model_params`` function to make a table of randomly
generated model positions, fluxes, or other parameters for simulated
sources. [1766, 1796]
- ``photutils.detection``
- The ``find_peaks`` function now supports input arrays with units.
- The ``Table`` returned from ``find_peaks`` now has an ``id`` column
that contains unique integer IDs for each peak. [1743]
- The ``DAOStarFinder``, ``IRAFStarFinder``, and ``StarFinder``
classes now support input arrays with units. [1746]
- ``photutils.profiles``
- Added an ``unnormalize`` method to ``RadialProfile`` and
``CurveOfGrowth`` to return the profile to the state before any
``normalize`` calls were run. [1732]
- Added ``calc_ee_from_radius`` and ``calc_radius_from_ee`` methods to
``CurveOfGrowth``. [1733]
- ``photutils.psf``
- Added an ``include_localbkg`` keyword to the ``IterativePSFPhotometry``
``make_model_image`` and ``make_residual_image`` methods. [1756]
- Added "x_fit", "xfit", "y_fit", "yfit", "flux_fit", and "fluxfit" as
allowed column names in the ``init_params`` table input to the PSF
photometry objects. [1765]
- Added a ``make_psf_model_image`` function to generate a simulated
image from PSF models. [1785, 1796]
- ``PSFPhotometry`` now has a new ``fit_params`` attribute containing
a table of the fit model parameters and errors. [1789]
- The ``PSFPhotometry`` and ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` ``init_params``
table now allows the user to input columns for model parameters
other than x, y, and flux. The column names must match the parameter
names in the PSF model. They can also be suffixed with either the
"_init" or "_fit" suffix. [1793]
Bug Fixes
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Fixed an issue in ``ApertureStats`` where in very rare cases the
``covariance`` calculation could take a long time. [1788]
- ``photutils.background``
- No longer warn about NaNs in the data if those NaNs are masked in
``coverage_mask`` passed to ``Background2D``. [1729]
- ``photutils.psf``
- Fixed an issue where ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` would fail if the
input data was a ``Quantity`` array. [1746]
- Fixed the ``IntegratedGaussianPRF`` class ``bounding_box`` limits to
always be symmetric. [1754]
- Fixed an issue where ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` could sometimes
issue a warning when merging tables if ``mode='all'``. [1761]
- Fixed a bug where the first matching column in the ``init_params``
table was not used in ``PSFPhotometry`` and
``IterativePSFPhotometry``. [1765]
- Fixed an issue where ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` could sometimes
raise an error about non-overlapping data. [1778]
- Fixed an issue with unit handling in ``PSFPhotometry`` and
``IterativePSFPhotometry``. [1792]
- Fixed an issue in ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` where the
``fit_results`` attribute was not cleared between repeated calls.
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Fixed an issue in ``SourceCatalog`` where in very rare cases the
``covariance`` calculation could take a long time. [1788]
API Changes
- The ``photutils.test`` function has been removed. Instead use the
``pytest --pyargs photutils`` command. [1725]
- ``photutils.datasets``
- The ``photutils.datasets`` subpackage has been reorganized and
the ``make`` module has been deprecated. Instead of importing
functions from ``photutils.datasets.make``, import functions from
``photutils.datasets``. [1726]
- The ``make_model_sources_image`` function has been deprecated in
favor of the new ``make_model_image`` function. The new function
has more options and is significantly faster. [1759]
- The randomly-generated optional noise in the simulated example images
``make_4gaussians_image`` and ``make_100gaussians_image`` is now
slightly different. The noise sigma is the same, but the pixel
values differ. [1760]
- The ``make_gaussian_prf_sources_image`` function is now
deprecated. Use the ``make_model_psf_image`` function or the new
``make_model_image`` function instead. [1762]
- The ``make_gaussian_sources_table`` function now includes an "id"
column and always returns both ``'flux'`` and ``'amplitude'`` columns.
- The ``make_model_sources_table`` function now includes an "id"
column. [1764]
- The ``make_gaussian_sources_table`` function is now deprecated.
Use the ``make_model_sources_table`` function instead. [1764]
- The ``make_test_psf_data`` function is now deprecated. Use the new
``make_model_psf_image`` function instead. [1785]
- ``photutils.detection``
- The ``sky`` keyword in ``DAOStarFinder`` and ``IRAFStarFinder`` is
now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. [1747]
- Sources that have non-finite properties (e.g., centroid, roundness,
sharpness, etc.) are automatically excluded from the output table in
``DAOStarFinder``, ``IRAFStarFinder``, and ``StarFinder``. [1750]
- ``photutils.psf``
- ``PSFPhotometry`` and ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` now raise a
``ValueError`` if the input ``psf_model`` is not two-dimensional
with ``n_inputs=2`` and ``n_outputs=1``. [1741]
- The ``IntegratedGaussianPRF`` class ``bounding_box`` is now a method
instead of an attribute for consistency with Astropy models. The
method has a ``factor`` keyword to scale the bounding box. The
default scale factor is 5.5 times ``sigma``. [1754]
- The ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` ``make_model_image`` and
``make_residual_image`` methods no longer include the local
background by default. This is a backwards-incompatible change. If
the previous behavior is desired, set ``include_localbkg=True``.
- ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` will now only issue warnings after
all iterations are completed. [1767]
- The ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` ``psfphot`` attribute has been
removed. Instead, use the ``fit_results`` attribute, which contains
a list of ``PSFPhotometry`` instances for each fit iteration.
- The ``group_size`` column has been moved to come immediately after
the ``group_id`` column in the output table from ``PSFPhotometry``
and ``IterativePSFPhotometry``. [1772]
- The ``PSFPhotometry`` ``init_params`` table was moved from the
``fit_results`` dictionary to an attribute. [1773]
- Removed ``local_bkg``, ``psfcenter_indices``, ``fit_residuals``,
``npixfit``, and ``nmodels`` keys from the ``PSFPhotometry``
``fit_results`` dictionary. [1773]
- Removed the deprecated ``BasicPSFPhotometry``,
``IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry``, ``DAOPhotPSFPhotometry``,
``DAOGroup``, ``DBSCANGroup``, and ``GroupStarsBase``, and
``NonNormalizable`` classes and the ``prepare_psf_model``,
``get_grouped_psf_model``, and ``subtract_psf`` functions. [1774]
- A ``ValueError`` is now raised if the shape of the ``error`` array
does not match the ``data`` array when calling the PSF-fitting
classes. [1777]
- The ``fit_param_errs`` key was removed from the ``PSFPhotometry``
``fit_results`` dictionary. The fit parameter errors are now stored
in the ``fit_params`` table. [1789]
- The ``cfit`` column in the ``PSFPhotometry`` and
``IterativePSFPhotometry`` result table will now be NaN for sources
whose initial central pixel is masked. [1789]