- Photutils has the following requirements:
- Python 2.7 or 3.3 or later
- Numpy 1.6 or later
- Astropy v1.0 or later
New Features
- ``photutils.detection``
- ``find_peaks`` now returns an Astropy Table containing the (x, y)
positions and peak values. [240]
- ``find_peaks`` has new ``mask``, ``error``, ``wcs`` and ``subpixel``
precision options. [244]
- ``detect_sources`` will now issue a warning if the filter kernel
is not normalized to 1. [298]
- Added new ``deblend_sources`` function, an experimental source
deblender. [314]
- ``photutils.morphology``
- Added new ``GaussianConst2D`` (2D Gaussian plus a constant) model.
- Added new ``marginalize_data2d`` function. [244]
- Added new ``cutout_footprint`` function. [244]
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Added new ``SegmentationImage`` class. [306]
- Added new ``check_label``, ``keep_labels``, and ``outline_segments``
methods for modifying ``SegmentationImage``. [306]
- ``photutils.utils``
- Added new ``random_cmap`` function to generate a colormap comprised
of random colors. [299]
- Added new ``ShepardIDWInterpolator`` class to perform Inverse
Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation. [307]
- The ``interpolate_masked_data`` function can now interpolate
higher-dimensional data. [310]
API Changes
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- The ``relabel_sequential``, ``relabel_segments``,
``remove_segments``, ``remove_border_segments``, and
``remove_masked_segments`` functions are now ``SegmentationImage``
methods (with slightly different names). [306]
- The ``SegmentProperties`` class has been renamed to
``SourceProperties``. Likewise, the ``segment_properties``
function has been renamed to ``source_properties``. [306]
- The ``segment_sum`` and ``segment_sum_err`` attributes have been
renamed to ``source_sum`` and ``source_sum_err``, respectively. [306]
- The ``background_atcentroid`` attribute has been renamed to
``background_at_centroid``. [306]
Bug Fixes
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Fixed an issue where ``np.nan`` or ``np.inf`` were not properly
masked. [267]
- ``photutils.geometry``
- ``overlap_area_triangle_unit_circle`` handles correctly a corner case
in some i386 systems where the area of the aperture was not computed
correctly. [242]
- ``rectangular_overlap_grid`` and ``elliptical_overlap_grid`` fixes to
normalization of subsampled pixels. [265]
- ``overlap_area_triangle_unit_circle`` handles correctly the case where
a line segment intersects at a triangle vertex. [277]
Other Changes and Additions
- Updated astropy-helpers to v1.1. [302]