
Latest version: v2.0.2

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- Versions of Python <3.5 are no longer supported. [702, 703]

- Versions of Numpy <1.10 are no longer supported. [697, 703]

- Versions of Pytest <3.1 are no longer supported. [702]

- ``pytest-astropy`` is now required to run the test suite. [702, 703]

- The documentation build now uses the Sphinx configuration from
``sphinx-astropy`` rather than from ``astropy-helpers``. [702]

New Features

- ``photutils.aperture``

- Added ``plot`` and ``to_aperture`` methods to ``BoundingBox``. [662]

- Added default theta value for elliptical and rectangular
apertures. [674]

- ``photutils.centroids``

- Added a ``centroid_sources`` function to calculate centroid of
many sources in a single image. [656]

- An n-dimensional array can now be input into the ``centroid_com``
function. [685]

- ``photutils.datasets``

- Added a ``load_simulated_hst_star_image`` function to load a
simulated HST WFC3/IR F160W image of stars. [695]

- ``photutils.detection``

- Added a ``centroid_func`` keyword to ``find_peaks``. The
``subpixels`` keyword is now deprecated. [656]

- The ``find_peaks`` function now returns ``SkyCoord`` objects in
the table instead of separate RA and Dec. columns. [656]

- The ``find_peaks`` function now returns an empty Table and issues
a warning when no peaks are found. [668]

- ``photutils.psf``

- Added tools to build and fit an effective PSF (``EPSFBuilder`` and
``EPSFFitter``). [695]

- Added ``extract_stars`` function to extract cutouts of stars used
to build an ePSF. [695]

- Added ``EPSFModel`` class to hold a fittable ePSF model. [695]

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- Added a ``mask`` keyword to the ``detect_sources`` function. [621]

- Renamed ``SegmentationImage`` ``max`` attribute to ``max_label``.
``max`` is deprecated. [662]

- Added a ``Segment`` class to hold the cutout image and properties
of single labeled region (source segment). [662]

- Deprecated the ``SegmentationImage`` ``area`` method. Instead,
use the ``areas`` attribute. [662]

- Renamed ``SegmentationImage`` ``data_masked`` attribute to
``data_ma``. ``data_masked`` is deprecated. [662]

- Renamed ``SegmentationImage`` ``is_sequential`` attribute to
``is_consecutive``. ``is_sequential`` is deprecated. [662]

- Renamed ``SegmentationImage`` ``relabel_sequential`` attribute to
``relabel_consecutive``. ``relabel_sequential`` is deprecated.

- Added a ``missing_labels`` property to ``SegmentationImage``.

- Added a ``check_labels`` method to ``SegmentationImage``. The
``check_label`` method is deprecated. [662]

- ``photutils.utils``

- Deprecated the ``cutout_footprint`` function. [656]

Bug Fixes

- ``photutils.aperture``

- Fixed a bug where quantity inputs to the aperture classes would
sometimes fail. [693]

- ``photutils.detection``

- Fixed an issue in ``detect_sources`` where in some cases sources
with a size less than ``npixels`` could be returned. [663]

- Fixed an issue in ``DAOStarFinder`` where in some cases a few too
many sources could be returned. [671]

- ``photutils.isophote``

- Fixed a bug where isophote fitting would fail when the initial
center was not specified for an image with an elongated aspect
ratio. [673]

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- Fixed ``deblend_sources`` when other sources are in the
neighborhood. [617]

- Fixed ``source_properties`` to handle the case where the data
contain one or more NaNs. [658]

- Fixed an issue with ``deblend_sources`` where sources were not
deblended where the data contain one or more NaNs. [658]

- Fixed the ``SegmentationImage`` ``areas`` attribute to not include
the zero (background) label. [662]

Other Changes and Additions

- ``photutils.isophote``

- Corrected the units for isophote ``sarea`` in the documentation. [657]




- Dropped python 3.3 support. [542]

- Dropped numpy 1.8 support. Minimal required version is now numpy
1.9. [542]

- Dropped support for astropy 1.x versions. Minimal required version
is now astropy 2.0. [575]

- Dropped scipy 0.15 support. Minimal required version is now scipy
0.16. [576]

- Explicitly require six as dependency. [601]

New Features

- ``photutils.aperture``

- Added ``BoundingBox`` class, used when defining apertures. [481]

- Apertures now have ``__repr__`` and ``__str__`` defined. [493]

- Improved plotting of annulus apertures using Bezier curves. [494]

- Rectangular apertures now use the true minimal bounding box. [507]

- Elliptical apertures now use the true minimal bounding box. [508]

- Added a ``to_sky`` method for pixel apertures. [512]

- ``photutils.background``

- Mesh rejection now also applies to pixels that are masked during
sigma clipping. [544]

- ``photutils.datasets``

- Added new ``make_wcs`` and ``make_imagehdu`` functions. [527]

- Added new ``show_progress`` keyword to the ``load_*`` functions.

- ``photutils.isophote``

- Added a new ``photutils.isophote`` subpackage to provide tools to
fit elliptical isophotes to a galaxy image. [532, 603]

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- Added a ``cmap`` method to ``SegmentationImage`` to generate a
random matplotlib colormap. [513]

- Added ``sky_centroid`` and ``sky_centroid_icrs`` source
properties. [592]

- Added new source properties representing the sky coordinates of
the bounding box corner vertices (``sky_bbox_ll``, ``sky_bbox_ul``
``sky_bbox_lr``, and ``sky_bbox_ur``). [592]

- Added new ``SourceCatalog`` class to hold the list of
``SourceProperties``. [608]

- The ``properties_table`` function is now deprecated. Use the
``SourceCatalog.to_table()`` method instead. [608]

- ``photutils.psf``

- Uncertainties on fitted parameters are added to the final table. [516]

- Fitted results of any free parameter are added to the final table. [471]

API Changes

- ``photutils.aperture``

- The ``ApertureMask`` ``apply()`` method has been renamed to
``multiply()``. [481].

- The ``ApertureMask`` input parameter was renamed from ``mask`` to
``data``. [548]

- Removed the ``pixelwise_errors`` keyword from
``aperture_photometry``. [489]

- ``photutils.background``

- The ``Background2D`` keywords ``exclude_mesh_method`` and
``exclude_mesh_percentile`` were removed in favor of a single
keyword called ``exclude_percentile``. [544]

- Renamed ``BiweightMidvarianceBackgroundRMS`` to
``BiweightScaleBackgroundRMS``. [547]

- Removed the ``SigmaClip`` class. ``astropy.stats.SigmaClip`` is
a direct replacement. [569]

- ``photutils.datasets``

- The ``make_poisson_noise`` function was renamed to
``apply_poisson_noise``. [527]

- The ``make_random_gaussians`` function was renamed to
``make_random_gaussians_table``. The parameter ranges
must now be input as a dictionary. [527]

- The ``make_gaussian_sources`` function was renamed to
``make_gaussian_sources_image``. [527]

- The ``make_random_models`` function was renamed to
``make_random_models_table``. [527]

- The ``make_model_sources`` function was renamed to
``make_model_sources_image``. [527]

- The ``unit``, ``hdu``, ``wcs``, and ``wcsheader`` keywords in
``photutils.datasets`` functions were removed. [527]

- ``'photutils-datasets'`` was added as an optional ``location`` in
the ``get_path`` function. This option is used as a fallback in
case the ``'remote'`` location (astropy data server) fails.

- ``photutils.detection``

- The ``daofind`` and ``irafstarfinder`` functions were removed.

- ``photutils.psf``

- ``IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry`` issues a "no sources
detected" warning only on the first iteration, if applicable.

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- The ``'icrs_centroid'``, ``'ra_icrs_centroid'``, and
``'dec_icrs_centroid'`` source properties are deprecated and are no
longer default columns returned by ``properties_table``. [592]

- The ``properties_table`` function now returns a ``QTable``. [592]

- ``photutils.utils``

- The ``background_color`` keyword was removed from the
``random_cmap`` function. [528]

- Deprecated unused ``interpolate_masked_data()``. [526, 611]

Bug Fixes

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- Fixed ``deblend_sources`` so that it correctly deblends multiple
sources. [572]

- Fixed a bug in calculation of the ``sky_centroid_icrs`` (and
deprecated ``icrs_centroid``) property where the incorrect pixel
origin was being passed. [592]

- ``photutils.utils``

- Added a check that ``data`` and ``bkg_error`` have the same units
in ``calc_total_error``. [537]




- Fixed file permissions in the released source distribution.




- Dropped numpy 1.7 support. Minimal required version is now numpy
1.8. [327]

- ``photutils.datasets``

- The ``load_*`` functions that use remote data now retrieve the
data from ```` (the astropy data repository).

Bug Fixes

- ``photutils.background``

- Fixed issue with ``Background2D`` with ``edge_method='pad'`` that
occurred when unequal padding needed to be applied to each axis.

- Fixed issue with ``Background2D`` that occurred when zero padding
needed to apply along only one axis. [500]

- ``photutils.geometry``

- Fixed a bug in ``circular_overlap_grid`` affecting 32-bit machines
that could cause errors circular aperture photometry. [475]

- ``photutils.psf``

- Fixed a bug in how ``FittableImageModel`` represents its center.

- Fix bug which modified user's input table when doing forced
photometry. [485]



New Features

- ``photutils.aperture``

- Added new ``origin`` keyword to aperture ``plot`` methods. [395]

- Added new ``id`` column to ``aperture_photometry`` output table. [446]

- Added ``__len__`` method for aperture classes. [446]

- Added new ``to_mask`` method to ``PixelAperture`` classes. [453]

- Added new ``ApertureMask`` class to generate masks from apertures.

- Added new ``mask_area()`` method to ``PixelAperture`` classes.

- The ``aperture_photometry()`` function now accepts a list of
aperture objects. [454]

- ``photutils.background``

- Added new ``MeanBackground``, ``MedianBackground``,
``MMMBackground``, ``SExtractorBackground``,
``BiweightLocationBackground``, ``StdBackgroundRMS``,
``MADStdBackgroundRMS``, and ``BiweightMidvarianceBackgroundRMS``
classes. [370]

- Added ``axis`` keyword to new background classes. [392]

- Added new ``removed_masked``, ``meshpix_threshold``, and
``edge_method`` keywords for the 2D background classes. [355]

- Added new ``std_blocksum`` function. [355]

- Added new ``SigmaClip`` class. [423]

- Added new ``BkgZoomInterpolator`` and ``BkgIDWInterpolator``
classes. [437]

- ``photutils.datasets``

- Added ``load_irac_psf`` function. [403]

- ``photutils.detection``

- Added new ``make_source_mask`` convenience function. [355]

- Added ``filter_data`` function. [398]

- Added ``DAOStarFinder`` and ``IRAFStarFinder`` as OOP interfaces for
``daofind`` and ``irafstarfinder``, respectively, which are now
deprecated. [379]

- ``photutils.psf``

- Added ``BasicPSFPhotometry``, ``IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry``, and
``DAOPhotPSFPhotometry`` classes to perform PSF photometry in
crowded fields. [427]

- Added ``DAOGroup`` and ``DBSCANGroup`` classes for grouping overlapping
sources. [369]

- ``photutils.psf_match``

- Added ``create_matching_kernel`` and ``resize_psf`` functions. Also,
added ``CosineBellWindow``, ``HanningWindow``,
``SplitCosineBellWindow``, ``TopHatWindow``, and ``TukeyWindow``
classes. [403]

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- Created new ``photutils.segmentation`` subpackage. [442]

- Added ``copy`` and ``area`` methods and an ``areas`` property to
``SegmentationImage``. [331]

API Changes

- ``photutils.aperture``

- Removed the ``effective_gain`` keyword from
``aperture_photometry``. Users must now input the total error,
which can be calculated using the ``calc_total_error`` function.

- ``aperture_photometry`` now outputs a ``QTable``. [446]

- Renamed ``source_id`` keyword to ``indices`` in the aperture
``plot()`` method. [453]

- Added ``mask`` and ``unit`` keywords to aperture
``do_photometry()`` methods. [453]

- ``photutils.background``

- For the background classes, the ``filter_shape`` keyword was
renamed to ``filter_size``. The ``background_low_res`` and
``background_rms_low_res`` class attributes were renamed to
``background_mesh`` and ``background_rms_mesh``, respectively.
[355, 437]

- The ``Background2D`` ``method`` and ``backfunc`` keywords have
been removed. In its place one can input callable objects via the
``sigma_clip``, ``bkg_estimator``, and ``bkgrms_estimator``
keywords. [437]

- The interpolator to be used by the ``Background2D`` class can be
input as a callable object via the new ``interpolator`` keyword.

- ``photutils.centroids``

- Created ``photutils.centroids`` subpackage, which contains the
``centroid_com``, ``centroid_1dg``, and ``centroid_2dg``
functions. These functions now return a two-element numpy
ndarray. [428]

- ``photutils.detection``

- Changed finding algorithm implementations (``daofind`` and
``starfind``) from functional to object-oriented style. Deprecated
old style. [379]

- ``photutils.morphology``

- Created ``photutils.morphology`` subpackage. [428]

- Removed ``marginalize_data2d`` function. [428]

- Moved ``cutout_footprint`` from ``photutils.morphology`` to
``photutils.utils``. [428]

- Added a function to calculate the Gini coefficient (``gini``).

- ``photutils.psf``

- Removed the ``effective_gain`` keyword from ``psf_photometry``.
Users must now input the total error, which can be calculated
using the ``calc_total_error`` function. [368]

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- Removed the ``effective_gain`` keyword from ``SourceProperties``
and ``source_properties``. Users must now input the total error,
which can be calculated using the ``calc_total_error`` function.

- ``photutils.utils``

- Renamed ``calculate_total_error`` to ``calc_total_error``. [368]

Bug Fixes

- ``photutils.aperture``

- Fixed a bug in ``aperture_photometry`` so that single-row output
tables do not return a multidimensional column. [446]

- ``photutils.centroids``

- Fixed a bug in ``centroid_1dg`` and ``centroid_2dg`` that occurred
when the input data contained invalid (NaN or inf) values. [428]

- ``photutils.segmentation``

- Fixed a bug in ``SourceProperties`` where ``error`` and
``background`` units were sometimes dropped. [441]




- Dropped numpy 1.6 support. Minimal required version is now numpy
1.7. [327]

- Fixed configparser for Python 3.5. [366, 384]

Bug Fixes

- ``photutils.detection``

- Fixed an issue to update segmentation image slices after
deblending. [340]

- Fixed source deblending to pass the pixel connectivity to the
watershed algorithm. [347]

- SegmentationImage properties are now cached instead of recalculated,
which significantly improves performance. [361]

- ``photutils.utils``

- Fixed a bug in ``pixel_to_icrs_coords`` where the incorrect pixel
origin was being passed. [348]

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