New Features
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Added new ``origin`` keyword to aperture ``plot`` methods. [395]
- Added new ``id`` column to ``aperture_photometry`` output table. [446]
- Added ``__len__`` method for aperture classes. [446]
- Added new ``to_mask`` method to ``PixelAperture`` classes. [453]
- Added new ``ApertureMask`` class to generate masks from apertures.
- Added new ``mask_area()`` method to ``PixelAperture`` classes.
- The ``aperture_photometry()`` function now accepts a list of
aperture objects. [454]
- ``photutils.background``
- Added new ``MeanBackground``, ``MedianBackground``,
``MMMBackground``, ``SExtractorBackground``,
``BiweightLocationBackground``, ``StdBackgroundRMS``,
``MADStdBackgroundRMS``, and ``BiweightMidvarianceBackgroundRMS``
classes. [370]
- Added ``axis`` keyword to new background classes. [392]
- Added new ``removed_masked``, ``meshpix_threshold``, and
``edge_method`` keywords for the 2D background classes. [355]
- Added new ``std_blocksum`` function. [355]
- Added new ``SigmaClip`` class. [423]
- Added new ``BkgZoomInterpolator`` and ``BkgIDWInterpolator``
classes. [437]
- ``photutils.datasets``
- Added ``load_irac_psf`` function. [403]
- ``photutils.detection``
- Added new ``make_source_mask`` convenience function. [355]
- Added ``filter_data`` function. [398]
- Added ``DAOStarFinder`` and ``IRAFStarFinder`` as OOP interfaces for
``daofind`` and ``irafstarfinder``, respectively, which are now
deprecated. [379]
- ``photutils.psf``
- Added ``BasicPSFPhotometry``, ``IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry``, and
``DAOPhotPSFPhotometry`` classes to perform PSF photometry in
crowded fields. [427]
- Added ``DAOGroup`` and ``DBSCANGroup`` classes for grouping overlapping
sources. [369]
- ``photutils.psf_match``
- Added ``create_matching_kernel`` and ``resize_psf`` functions. Also,
added ``CosineBellWindow``, ``HanningWindow``,
``SplitCosineBellWindow``, ``TopHatWindow``, and ``TukeyWindow``
classes. [403]
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Created new ``photutils.segmentation`` subpackage. [442]
- Added ``copy`` and ``area`` methods and an ``areas`` property to
``SegmentationImage``. [331]
API Changes
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Removed the ``effective_gain`` keyword from
``aperture_photometry``. Users must now input the total error,
which can be calculated using the ``calc_total_error`` function.
- ``aperture_photometry`` now outputs a ``QTable``. [446]
- Renamed ``source_id`` keyword to ``indices`` in the aperture
``plot()`` method. [453]
- Added ``mask`` and ``unit`` keywords to aperture
``do_photometry()`` methods. [453]
- ``photutils.background``
- For the background classes, the ``filter_shape`` keyword was
renamed to ``filter_size``. The ``background_low_res`` and
``background_rms_low_res`` class attributes were renamed to
``background_mesh`` and ``background_rms_mesh``, respectively.
[355, 437]
- The ``Background2D`` ``method`` and ``backfunc`` keywords have
been removed. In its place one can input callable objects via the
``sigma_clip``, ``bkg_estimator``, and ``bkgrms_estimator``
keywords. [437]
- The interpolator to be used by the ``Background2D`` class can be
input as a callable object via the new ``interpolator`` keyword.
- ``photutils.centroids``
- Created ``photutils.centroids`` subpackage, which contains the
``centroid_com``, ``centroid_1dg``, and ``centroid_2dg``
functions. These functions now return a two-element numpy
ndarray. [428]
- ``photutils.detection``
- Changed finding algorithm implementations (``daofind`` and
``starfind``) from functional to object-oriented style. Deprecated
old style. [379]
- ``photutils.morphology``
- Created ``photutils.morphology`` subpackage. [428]
- Removed ``marginalize_data2d`` function. [428]
- Moved ``cutout_footprint`` from ``photutils.morphology`` to
``photutils.utils``. [428]
- Added a function to calculate the Gini coefficient (``gini``).
- ``photutils.psf``
- Removed the ``effective_gain`` keyword from ``psf_photometry``.
Users must now input the total error, which can be calculated
using the ``calc_total_error`` function. [368]
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Removed the ``effective_gain`` keyword from ``SourceProperties``
and ``source_properties``. Users must now input the total error,
which can be calculated using the ``calc_total_error`` function.
- ``photutils.utils``
- Renamed ``calculate_total_error`` to ``calc_total_error``. [368]
Bug Fixes
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Fixed a bug in ``aperture_photometry`` so that single-row output
tables do not return a multidimensional column. [446]
- ``photutils.centroids``
- Fixed a bug in ``centroid_1dg`` and ``centroid_2dg`` that occurred
when the input data contained invalid (NaN or inf) values. [428]
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Fixed a bug in ``SourceProperties`` where ``error`` and
``background`` units were sometimes dropped. [441]