- Any WCS object that supports the `astropy shared interface for WCS
<https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/wcs/wcsapi.html>`_ is now
supported. [899]
- Added a new ``photutils.__citation__`` and ``photutils.__bibtex__``
attributes which give a citation for photutils in bibtex format. [926]
New Features
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Added parameter validation for all aperture classes. [846]
- Added ``from_float``, ``as_artist``, ``union`` and
``intersection`` methods to ``BoundingBox`` class. [851]
- Added ``shape`` and ``isscalar`` properties to Aperture objects.
- Significantly improved the performance (~10-20 times faster) of
aperture photometry, especially when using ``errors`` and
``Quantity`` inputs with many aperture positions. [861]
- ``aperture_photometry`` now supports ``NDData`` with
``StdDevUncertainty`` to input errors. [866]
- The ``mode`` keyword in the ``to_sky`` and ``to_pixel`` aperture
methods was removed to implement the shared WCS interface. All
WCS transforms now include distortions (if present). [899]
- ``photutils.datasets``
- Added ``make_gwcs`` function to create an example ``gwcs.wcs.WCS``
object. [871]
- ``photutils.isophote``
- Significantly improved the performance (~5 times faster) of
ellipse fitting. [826]
- Added the ability to individually fix the ellipse-fitting
parameters. [922]
- ``photutils.psf``
- Added new centroiding function ``centroid_epsf``. [816]
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Significantly improved the performance of relabeling in
segmentation images (e.g., ``remove_labels``, ``keep_labels``).
- Added new ``background_area`` attribute to ``SegmentationImage``.
- Added new ``data_ma`` attribute to ``Segment``. [825]
- Added new ``SegmentationImage`` methods: ``find_index``,
``find_indices``, ``find_areas``, ``check_label``, ``keep_label``,
``remove_label``, and ``reassign_labels``. [825]
- Added ``__repr__`` and ``__str__`` methods to
``SegmentationImage``. [825]
- Added ``slices``, ``indices``, and ``filtered_data_cutout_ma``
attributes to ``SourceProperties``. [858]
- Added ``__repr__`` and ``__str__`` methods to ``SourceProperties``
and ``SourceCatalog``. [858]
- Significantly improved the performance of calculating the
``background_at_centroid`` property in ``SourceCatalog``. [863]
- The default output table columns (source properties) are defined
in a publicly-accessible variable called
``photutils.segmentation.properties.DEFAULT_COLUMNS``. [863]
- Added the ``gini`` source property representing the Gini
coefficient. [864]
- Cached (lazy) properties can now be reset in ``SegmentationImage``
subclasses. [916]
- Significantly improved the performance of ``deblend_sources``. It
is ~40-50% faster for large images (e.g., 4k x 4k) with a few
thousand of sources. [924]
- ``photutils.utils``
- Added ``NoDetectionsWarning`` class. [836]
Bug Fixes
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Fixed an issue where the ``ApertureMask.cutout`` method would drop
the data units when ``copy=True``. [842]
- Fixed a corner-case issue where aperture photometry would return
NaN for non-finite data values outside the aperture but within the
aperture bounding box. [843]
- Fixed an issue where the ``celestial_center`` column (for sky
apertures) would be a length-1 array containing a ``SkyCoord``
object instead of a length-1 ``SkyCoord`` object. [844]
- ``photutils.isophote``
- Fixed an issue where the linear fitting mode was not working.
- Fixed the radial gradient computation [934].
- ``photutils.psf``
- Fixed a bug in the ``EPSFStar`` ``register_epsf`` and
``compute_residual_image`` computations. [885]
- A ValueError is raised if ``aperture_radius`` is not input and
cannot be determined from the input ``psf_model``. [903]
- Fixed normalization of ePSF model, now correctly normalizing on
undersampled pixel grid. [817]
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Fixed an issue where ``deblend_sources`` could fail for sources
with labels that are a power of 2 and greater than 255. [806]
- ``SourceProperties`` and ``source_properties`` will no longer
raise an exception if a source is completely masked. [822]
- Fixed an issue in ``SourceProperties`` and ``source_properties``
where inf values in the data array were not automatically masked.
- ``error`` and ``background`` arrays are now always masked
identically to the input ``data``. [822]
- Fixed the ``perimeter`` property to take into account the source
mask. [822]
- Fixed the ``background_at_centroid`` source property to use
bilinear interpolation. [822]
- Fixed ``SegmentationImage`` ``outline_segments`` to include
outlines along the image boundaries. [825]
- Fixed ``SegmentationImage.is_consecutive`` to return ``True`` only
if the labels are consecutive and start with label=1. [886]
- Fixed a bug in ``deblend_sources`` where sources could be
deblended too much when ``connectivity=8``. [890]
- Fixed a bug in ``deblend_sources`` where the ``contrast``
parameter had little effect if the original segment contained
three or more sources. [890]
- ``photutils.utils``
- Fixed a bug in ``filter_data`` where units were dropped for data
``Quantity`` objects. [872]
API Changes
- ``photutils.aperture``
- Deprecated inputting aperture pixel positions shaped as 2xN.
- Renamed the ``celestial_center`` column to ``sky_center`` in the
``aperture_photometry`` output table. [848]
- Aperture objects defined with a single (x, y) position (input as
1D) are now considered scalar objects, which can be checked with
the new ``isscalar`` Aperture property. [852]
- Non-scalar Aperture objects can now be indexed, sliced, and
iterated. [852]
- Scalar Aperture objects now return scalar ``positions`` and
``bounding_boxes`` properties and its ``to_mask`` method returns
an ``ApertureMask`` object instead of a length-1 list containing
an ``ApertureMask``. [852]
- Deprecated the Aperture ``mask_area`` method. [853]
- Aperture ``area`` is now an attribute instead of a method. [854]
- The Aperture plot keyword ``ax`` was deprecated and renamed to
``axes``. [854]
- Deprecated the ``units`` keyword in ``aperture_photometry``
and the ``PixelAperture.do_photometry`` method. [866, 861]
- Deprecated ``PrimaryHDU``, ``ImageHDU``, and ``HDUList`` inputs
to ``aperture_photometry``. [867]
- The ``aperture_photometry`` function moved to a new
``photutils.aperture.photometry`` module. [876]
- Renamed the ``bounding_boxes`` attribute for pixel-based apertures
to ``bbox`` for consistency. [896]
- Deprecated the ``BoundingBox`` ``as_patch`` method (instead use
``as_artist``). [851]
- ``photutils.background``
- The ``Background2D`` ``plot_meshes`` keyword ``ax`` was deprecated
and renamed to ``axes``. [854]
- ``photutils.datasets``
- The ``make_noise_image`` ``type`` keyword was deprecated and
renamed to ``distribution``. [877]
- ``photutils.detection``
- Removed deprecated ``subpixel`` keyword for ``find_peaks``. [835]
- ``DAOStarFinder``, ``IRAFStarFinder``, and ``find_peaks`` now return
``None`` if no source/peaks are found. Also, for this case a
``NoDetectionsWarning`` is issued. [836]
- Renamed the ``snr`` (deprecated) keyword to ``nsigma`` in
``detect_threshold``. [917]
- ``photutils.isophote``
- Isophote central values and intensity gradients are now returned
to the output table. [892]
- The ``EllipseSample`` ``update`` method now needs to know the
fix/fit state of each individual parameter. This can be passed to
it via a ``Geometry`` instance, e.g., ``update(geometry.fix)``.
- ``photutils.psf``
- ``FittableImageModel`` and subclasses now allow for different
``oversampling`` factors to be specified in the x and y
directions. [834]
- Removed ``pixel_scale`` keyword from ``EPSFStar``, ``EPSFBuilder``,
and ``EPSFModel``. [815]
- Added ``oversampling`` keyword to ``centroid_com``. [816]
- Removed deprecated ``Star``, ``Stars``, and ``LinkedStar``
classes. [894]
- Removed ``recentering_boxsize`` and ``center_accuracy`` keywords
and added ``norm_radius`` and ``shift_value`` keywords in
``EPSFBuilder``. [817]
- Added ``norm_radius`` and ``shift_value`` keywords to
``EPSFModel``. [817]
- ``photutils.segmentation``
- Removed deprecated ``SegmentationImage`` attributes
``data_masked``, ``max``, and ``is_sequential`` and methods
``area`` and ``relabel_sequential``. [825]
- Renamed ``SegmentationImage`` methods ``cmap`` (deprecated) to
``make_cmap`` and ``relabel`` (deprecated) to ``reassign_label``.
The new ``reassign_label`` method gains a ``relabel`` keyword.
- The ``SegmentationImage`` ``segments`` and ``slices`` attributes
now have the same length as ``labels`` (no ``None`` placeholders).
- ``detect_sources`` now returns ``None`` if no sources are found.
Also, for this case a ``NoDetectionsWarning`` is issued. [836]
- The ``SegmentationImage`` input ``data`` array must contain at
least one non-zero pixel and must not contain any non-finite values.
- A ``ValueError`` is raised if an empty list is input into
``SourceCatalog`` or no valid sources are defined in
``source_properties``. [836]
- Deprecated the ``values`` and ``coords`` attributes in
``SourceProperties``. [858]
- Deprecated the unused ``mask_value`` keyword in
``make_source_mask``. [858]
- The ``bbox`` property now returns a ``BoundingBox`` instance.
- The ``xmin/ymin`` and ``xmax/ymax`` properties have been
deprecated with the replacements having a ``bbox_`` prefix (e.g.,
``bbox_xmin``). [863]
- The ``orientation`` property is now returned as a ``Quantity``
instance in units of degrees. [863]
- Renamed the ``snr`` (deprecated) keyword to ``nsigma`` in
``make_source_mask``. [917]
- ``photutils.utils``
- Renamed ``random_cmap`` to ``make_random_cmap``. [825]
- Removed deprecated ``cutout_footprint`` function. [835]
- Deprecated the ``wcs_helpers`` functions
``pixel_scale_angle_at_skycoord``, ``assert_angle_or_pixel``,
``assert_angle``, and ``pixel_to_icrs_coords``. [846]
- Removed deprecated ``interpolate_masked_data`` function. [895]
- Deprecated the ``mask_to_mirrored_num`` function. [895]
- Deprecated the ``get_version_info``, ``filter_data``, and
``std_blocksum`` functions. [918]