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- Ensure host blacklist utilises SERVER_URL to correctly determine hostname
for sites hosted as sub-folders at any depth.

- Add test about / integration when
using GZIP compression for anonymous
(see ticket `12038 <>`_). [ebrehault]



- Add diazo.debug option, route all error_log output through
this so debugging can be displayed

- Make example Bootstrap-based theme use the HTML5 DOCTYPE.

- Demote ZMI patch log message to debug level.

- Upgrade to ACE 1.0 via plone.resourceeditor

- Put quotes around jQuery attribute selector values to appease
jQuery 1.7.2.



- Protect the control panel with a specific permission so it can be

- Advise defining ajax_load as ``request.form.get('ajax_load')`` in
manifest.cfg. For instance, the login_form has an hidden empty
ajax_load input, which would give an unthemed page after submitting
the form.

- Change theme editor page templates to use main_template rather than
prefs_main_template to avoid inserting CSS and JavaScript too early
under plonetheme.classic.



- Replace the stock "Themes" control panel with a renamed "Theming" control
panel, which incorporates the former's settings under its "Advanced" tab.

- Add a full in-Plone theme authoring environment
[optilude, vangheem]

- Update IBeforeTraverseEvent import to zope.traversing.

- On tab "Manage themes", change table header to
better describe what's actually listed.



* Prevent AttributeError when getRequest returns None.

* Calculate subrequests against navigation root rather than portal.

* Supply closest context found for 404 pages.

* Lookup portal state with correct context.



* Patch App.Management.Navigation to disable theming of ZMI pages.

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