Latest version: v5.0.10

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* Patch App.Management.Navigation to disable theming of ZMI pages.



* Evaluate theme parameters regardless of whether there is a valid context or
not (e.g. when templating a 404 page).



* Moved the *views* and *overrides* plugins out into a separate package
````. If you want to use those features, you need
to install that package in your buildout. Themes attempting to register
views or overrides in environments where ```` is not
installed will install, but views and overrides will not take effect.



* Support for setting arbitrary Doctypes.

* Upgrade step to update configuration.

* Fixed plugin initialization when applying a theme.

* Query the resource directory using the 'currentTheme' name instead
of the Theme object (updating the control panel was broken).

* Fix zip import (plugin initialization was broken.)



* Make sure the control panel is never themed, by setting the X-Theme-Disabled
response header.

* Add support for registering new views from Zope Page Templates and
overriding existing templates. See README for more details.



* Add support for ``X-Theme-Disabled`` response header.

* Make "Replace existing theme" checkbox default to off.

* Fix control panel to correctly display a newly uploaded theme.

* Fix zip import to work correctly when no manifest is supplied.

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