Latest version: v5.0.9

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Breaking changes:

- Let the pattern configuration of the thememapper be in JSON format.
Fixes problems of thememapper working together with latest patternslib (2.1.0).

Bug fixes:

- Fix thememapper pattern handling of buttons (via mockup update).
Update thememapper bundle.



Bug fixes:

- Reduce log level of ThemingPolicy cache to 'debug'.



Bug fixes:

- Fix imports from Globals that was removed in Zope4

- No longer patch Control Panel internals, as it was removed in Zope4

- reST syntax, styleguide, wording and line length of the docs



Bug fixes:

- Make diazo.debug work again when DIAZO_ALWAYS_CACHE_RULES is set.



Bug fixes:

- Remove roman monkey patch.



New features:

- Add Update -button for theming control panel making it possible to
reload modified theme manifest without deactivating theme at first.

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