Latest version: v5.0.9

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New features:

- Deactivate copy button and modal in theming control panel. [MrTango] (205)
- Load barceloneta css in theming control panel to have it styled. [MrTango] (205)
- Remove all thememapper functionality from theming control panel,
including Inspect/Modify theme and the Preview. [maurits] (205)
- Use pat-code-editor for custom-css field. [MrTango] (205)



Bug fixes:

- Add missing i18n:translate tags
[erral] (204)



Bug fixes:

- Use HTML5 meta charset.
[thet] (203)



Bug fixes:

- Fix unclosed file when reading manifest.cfg
[petschki] (199)
- Remove cyclic dependency with Products.CMFPlone
[sneridagh] (201)



Breaking changes:

- Add bootstrap icon from resolver from Plone 6.
[petschki, agitator] (194)

Bug fixes:

- Avoid Server Side Request Forgery via lxml parser.
Taken over from `PloneHotfix20210518 <>`_.
[maurits] (3274)



Bug fixes:

- For increased security, fail when trying file protocol access in diazo rules.
Also do not resolve entities, and remove processing instructions.
[maurits] (3209)

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