
Latest version: v5.0.0

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- A new command, `podman image mount`, has been added. This allows for an image to be mounted, read-only, to inspect its contents without creating a container from it ([1433](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/1433)).
- The `podman save` and `podman load` commands can now create and load archives containing multiple images ([2669](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/2669)).
- Rootless Podman now supports all `podman network` commands, and rootless containers can now be joined to networks.
- The performance of `podman build` on `ADD` and `COPY` instructions has been greatly improved, especially when a `.dockerignore` is present.
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new mode for the `--cgroups` option, `--cgroups=split`. Podman will create two cgroups under the cgroup it was launched in, one for the container and one for Conmon. This mode is useful for running Podman in a systemd unit, as it ensures that all processes are retained in systemd's cgroup hierarchy ([6400](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6400)).
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now specify options to slirp4netns by using the `--network` option as follows: `--net slirp4netns:opt1,opt2`. This allows for, among other things, switching the port forwarder used by slirp4netns away from rootlessport.
- The `podman ps` command now features a new option, `--storage`, to show containers from Buildah, CRI-O and other applications.
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--sdnotify` option to control the behavior of systemd's sdnotify with containers, enabling improved support for Podman in `Type=notify` units.
- The `podman run` command now features a `--preserve-fds` opton to pass file descriptors from the host into the container ([6458](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6458)).
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now create overlay volume mounts, by adding the `:O` option to a bind mount (e.g. `-v /test:/test:O`). Overlay volume mounts will mount a directory into a container from the host and allow changes to it, but not write those changes back to the directory on the host.
- The `podman play kube` command now supports the Socket HostPath type ([7112](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7112)).
- The `podman play kube` command now supports read-only mounts.
- The `podman play kube` command now supports setting labels on pods from Kubernetes metadata labels.
- The `podman play kube` command now supports setting container restart policy ([7656](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7656)).
- The `podman play kube` command now properly handles `HostAlias` entries.
- The `podman generate kube` command now adds entries to `/etc/hosts` from `--host-add` generated YAML as `HostAlias` entries.
- The `podman play kube` and `podman generate kube` commands now properly support `shareProcessNamespace` to share the PID namespace in pods.
- The `podman volume ls` command now supports the `dangling` filter to identify volumes that are dangling (not attached to any container).
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--umask` option to set the umask of the created container.
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now feature a `--tz` option to set the timezone within the container ([5128](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/5128)).
- Environment variables for Podman can now be added in the `containers.conf` configuration file.
- The `--mount` option of `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new mount type, `type=devpts`, to add a `devpts` mount to the container. This is useful for containers that want to mount `/dev/` from the host into the container, but still create a terminal.
- The `--security-opt` flag to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new option, `proc-opts`, to specify options for the container's `/proc` filesystem.
- Podman with the `crun` OCI runtime now supports a new option to `podman run` and `podman create`, `--cgroup-conf`, which allows for advanced configuration of cgroups on cgroups v2 systems.
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now support a `--override-variant` option, to override the architecture variant of the image that will be pulled and ran.
- A new global option has been added to Podman, `--runtime-flags`, which allows for setting flags to use when the OCI runtime is called.
- The `podman manifest add` command now supports the `--cert-dir`, `--auth-file`, `--creds`, and `--tls-verify` options.

- This release resolves CVE-2020-14370, in which environment variables could be leaked between containers created using the Varlink API.

- Podman will now retry pulling an image 3 times if a pull fails due to network errors.
- The `podman exec` command would previously print error messages (e.g. `exec session exited with non-zero exit code -1`) when the command run exited with a non-0 exit code. It no longer does this. The `podman exec` command will still exit with the same exit code as the command run in the container did.
- Error messages when creating a container or pod with a name that is already in use have been improved.
- For read-only containers running systemd init, Podman creates a tmpfs filesystem at `/run`. This was previously limited to 65k in size and mounted `noexec`, but is now unlimited size and mounted `exec`.
- The `podman system reset` command no longer removes configuration files for rootless Podman.

- Fixed a bug where Podman would not add an entry to `/etc/hosts` for a container if it joined another container's network namespace ([66782](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6678)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman save --format oci-dir` saved the image in an incorrect format ([6544](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6544)).
- Fixed a bug where privileged containers would still configure an AppArmor profile.
- Fixed a bug where the `--format` option of `podman system df` was not properly interpreting format codes that included backslashes ([7149](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7149)).
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would ignore errors from `newuidmap` and `newgidmap`, even if `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid` contained valid mappings for the user running Podman.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman commit` command did not properly handle single-character image names ([7114](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7114)).
- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman ps --format=json` did not include a `Status` field ([6980](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6980)).
- Fixed a bug where input to the `--log-level` option was no longer case-insensitive.
- Fixed a bug where `podman images` could segfault when an image pull was aborted while incomplete, leaving an image without a manifest ([7444](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7444)).
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would try to create the `~/.config` directory when it did not exist, despite not placing any configuration files inside the directory.
- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman system df` was inconsistent based on whether the `-v` option was specified ([7405](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7405)).
- Fixed a bug where `--security-opt apparmor=unconfined` would error if Apparmor was not enabled on the system ([7545](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7545)).
- Fixed a bug where running `podman stop` on multiple containers starting with `--rm` could sometimes cause `no such container` errors ([7384](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7384)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote` would still try to contact the server when displaying help information about subcommands.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman build --logfile` command would segfault.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command did not properly handle containers which were created with a name given as `--name=$NAME` instead of `--name $NAME` ([7157](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7157)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` was ignoring the `--latest` flag.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote kill` command would hang when a signal that did not kill the container was specified ([7135](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7135)).
- Fixed a bug where the `--oom-score-adj` option of `podman run` and `podman create` was nonfunctional.
- Fixed a bug where the `--display` option of `podman runlabel` was nonfunctional.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman runlabel` command would not pull images that did not exist locally on the system.
- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote run` would not exit with the correct code with the container was removed by a `podman-remote rm -f` while `podman-remote run` was still running ([7117](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7117)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote run --rm` command would error attempting to remove containers that had already been removed (e.g. by `podman-remote rm --force`) ([7340](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7340)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users in `/etc/passwd` in the container that belong to groups without a corresponding entry in `/etc/group` ([7389](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7389)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman run --userns=keepid` could create entries in `/etc/passwd` with a UID that was already in use by another user ([7503](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7503)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users that could not be logged into ([7499](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7499)).
- Fixed a bug where trying to join another container's user namespace with `--userns container:$ID` would fail ([7547](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7547)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would trim underscores from container names ([7020](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7020)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not show output when attaching to a container with a terminal ([6523](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6253)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman system df` command could be extremely slow when large quantities of images were present ([7406](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7406)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman images -a` would break if any image pulled by digest was present in the store ([7651](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7651)).
- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` option to `podman run` and `podman create` required the `type=` parameter to be passed first ([7628](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7628)).
- Fixed a bug where the `--infra-command` parameter to `podman pod create` was nonfunctional.
- Fixed a bug where `podman auto-update` would fail for any container started with `--pull=always` ([7407](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7407)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman wait` command would only accept a single argument.
- Fixed a bug where the parsing of the `--volumes-from` option to `podman run` and `podman create` was broken, making it impossible to use multiple mount options at the same time ([7701](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7701)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command would not join executed processes to the container's supplemental groups if the container was started with both the `--user` and `--group-add` options.
- Fixed a bug where the `--iidfile` option to `podman-remote build` was nonfunctional.

- The Libpod API version has been bumped to v2.0.0 due to a breaking change in the Image List API.
- Docker-compatible Volume Endpoints (Create, Inspect, List, Remove, Prune) are now available!
- Added an endpoint for generating systemd unit files for containers.
- The `last` parameter to the Libpod container list endpoint now has an alias, `limit` ([6413](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6413)).
- The Libpod image list API new returns timestamps in Unix format, as integer, as opposed to as strings
- The Compat Inspect endpoint for containers now includes port information in NetworkSettings.
- The Compat List endpoint for images now features limited support for the (deprecated) `filter` query parameter ([6797](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6797)).
- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers was not correctly handling bind mounts.
- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers would not return a 404 when the requested image was not present.
- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers did not properly handle Entrypoint and Command from images.
- Fixed a bug where name history information was not properly added in the Libpod Image List endpoint.
- Fixed a bug where the Libpod image search endpoint improperly populated the Description field of responses.
- Added a `noTrunc` option to the Libpod image search endpoint.
- Fixed a bug where the Pod List API would return null, instead of an empty array, when no pods were present ([7392](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7392)).
- Fixed a bug where endpoints that hijacked would do perform the hijack too early, before being ready to send and receive data ([7195](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7195)).
- Fixed a bug where Pod endpoints that can operate on multiple containers at once (e.g. Kill, Pause, Unpause, Stop) would not forward errors from individual containers that failed.
- The Compat List endpoint for networks now supports filtering results ([7462](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7462)).
- Fixed a bug where the Top endpoint for pods would return both a 500 and 404 when run on a non-existant pod.
- Fixed a bug where Pull endpoints did not stream progress back to the client.
- The Version endpoints (Libpod and Compat) now provide version in a format compatible with Docker.
- All non-hijacking responses to API requests should not include headers with the version of the server.
- Fixed a bug where Libpod and Compat Events endpoints did not send response headers until the first event occurred ([7263](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7263)).
- Fixed a bug where the Build endpoints (Compat and Libpod) did not stream progress to the client.
- Fixed a bug where the Stats endpoints (Compat and Libpod) did not properly handle clients disconnecting.
- Fixed a bug where the Ignore parameter to the Libpod Stop endpoint was not performing properly.
- Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers did not stream its output in the correct format ([7196](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7196)).

- Updated Buildah to v1.16.1
- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.23.5
- Updated the containers/image library to v5.6.0
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.22.0


This is the second release candidate for Podman v2.1.0.


This is the first release candidate of Podman v2.1.0. Preliminary release notes are attached below:

- A new command, `podman image mount`, has been added. This allows for an image to be mounted, read-only, to inspect its contents without creating a container from it ([1433](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/1433)).
- The `podman save` and `podman load` commands can now create and load archives containing multiple images ([2669](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/2669)).
- Rootless Podman now supports all `podman network` commands, and rootless containers can now be joined to networks.
- The performance of `podman build` on `ADD` and `COPY` instructions has been greatly improved, especially when a `.dockerignore` is present.
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new mode for the `--cgroups` option, `--cgroups=split`. Podman will create two cgroups under the cgroup it was launched in, one for the container and one for Conmon. This mode is useful for running Podman in a systemd unit, as it ensures that all processes are retained in systemd's cgroup hierarchy ([6400](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6400)).
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now specify options to slirp4netns by using the `--network` option as follows: `--net slirp4netns:opt1,opt2`. This allows for, among other things, switching the port forwarder used by slirp4netns away from rootlessport.
- The `podman ps` command now features a new option, `--storage`, to show containers from Buildah, CRI-O and other applications.
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--sdnotify` option to control the behavior of systemd's sdnotify with containers, enabling improved support for Podman in `Type=notify` units.
- The `podman run` command now features a `--preserve-fds` opton to pass file descriptors from the host into the container ([6458](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6458)).
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now create overlay volume mounts, by adding the `:O` option to a bind mount (e.g. `-v /test:/test:O`). Overlay volume mounts will mount a directory into a container from the host and allow changes to it, but not write those changes back to the directory on the host.
- The `podman play kube` command now supports the Socket HostPath type ([7112](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7112)).
- The `podman play kube` command now supports read-only mounts.
- The `podman play kube` command now properly handles `HostAlias` entries.
- The `podman generate kube` command now adds entries to `/etc/hosts` from `--host-add` generated YAML as `HostAlias` entries.
- The `podman play kube` and `podman generate kube` commands now properly support `shareProcessNamespace` to share the PID namespace in pods.
- The `podman volume ls` command now supports the `dangling` filter to identify volumes that are dangling (not attached to any container).
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--umask` option to set the umask of the created container.
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now feature a `--tz` option to set the timezone within the container ([5128](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/5128)).
- Environment variables for Podman can now be added in the `containers.conf` configuration file.
- The `--mount` option of `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new mount type, `type=devpts`, to add a `devpts` mount to the container. This is useful for containers that want to mount `/dev/` from the host into the container, but still create a terminal.
- The `--security-opt` flag to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new option, `proc-opts`, to specify options for the container's `/proc` filesystem.
- Podman with the `crun` OCI runtime now supports a new option to `podman run` and `podman create`, `--cgroup-conf`, which allows for advanced configuration of cgroups on cgroups v2 systems.
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now support a `--override-variant` option, to override the architecture variant of the image that will be pulled and ran.
- A new global option has been added to Podman, `--runtime-flags`, which allows for setting flags to use when the OCI runtime is called.
- The `podman manifest add` command now supports the `--cert-dir`, `--auth-file`, `--creds`, and `--tls-verify` options.

- Podman will now retry pulling an image 3 times if a pull fails due to network errors.
- The `podman exec` command would previously print error messages (e.g. `exec session exited with non-zero exit code -1`) when the command run exited with a non-0 exit code. It no longer does this. The `podman exec` command will still exit with the same exit code as the command run in the container did.
- Error messages when creating a container or pod with a name that is already in use have been improved.
- For read-only containers running systemd init, Podman creates a tmpfs filesystem at `/run`. This was previously limited to 65k in size and mounted `noexec`, but is now unlimited size and mounted `exec`.
- The `podman system reset` command no longer removes configuration files for rootless Podman.

- Fixed a bug where Podman would not add an entry to `/etc/hosts` for a container if it joined another container's network namespace ([66782](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6678)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman save --format oci-dir` saved the image in an incorrect format ([6544](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6544)).
- Fixed a bug where privileged containers would still configure an AppArmor profile.
- Fixed a bug where the `--format` option of `podman system df` was not properly interpreting format codes that included backslashes ([7149](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7149)).
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would ignore errors from `newuidmap` and `newgidmap`, even if `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid` contained valid mappings for the user running Podman.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman commit` command did not properly handle single-character image names ([7114](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7114)).
- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman ps --format=json` did not include a `Status` field ([6980](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6980)).
- Fixed a bug where input to the `--log-level` option was no longer case-insensitive.
- Fixed a bug where `podman images` could segfault when an image pull was aborted while incomplete, leaving an image without a manifest ([7444](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7444)).
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would try to create the `~/.config` directory when it did not exist, despite not placing any configuration files inside the directory.
- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman system df` was inconsistent based on whether the `-v` option was specified ([7405](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7405)).
- Fixed a bug where `--security-opt apparmor=unconfined` would error if Apparmor was not enabled on the system ([7545](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7545)).
- Fixed a bug where running `podman stop` on multiple containers starting with `--rm` could sometimes cause `no such container` errors ([7384](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7384)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote` would still try to contact the server when displaying help information about subcommands.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman build --logfile` command would segfault.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command did not properly handle containers which were created with a name given as `--name=$NAME` instead of `--name $NAME` ([7157](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7157)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` was ignoring the `--latest` flag.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote kill` command would hang when a signal that did not kill the container was specified ([7135](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7135)).
- Fixed a bug where the `--oom-score-adj` option of `podman run` and `podman create` was nonfunctional.
- Fixed a bug where the `--display` option of `podman runlabel` was nonfunctional.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman runlabel` command would not pull images that did not exist locally on the system.
- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote run` would not exit with the correct code with the container was removed by a `podman-remote rm -f` while `podman-remote run` was still running ([7117](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7117)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote run --rm` command would error attempting to remove containers that had already been removed (e.g. by `podman-remote rm --force`) ([7340](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7340)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users in `/etc/passwd` in the container that belong to groups without a corresponding entry in `/etc/group` ([7389](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7389)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman run --userns=keepid` could create entries in `/etc/passwd` with a UID that was already in use by another user ([7503](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7503)).
- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users that could not be logged into ([7499](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7499)).
- Fixed a bug where trying to join another container's user namespace with `--userns container:$ID` would fail ([7547](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7547)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would trim underscores from container names ([7020](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7020)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not show output when attaching to a container with a terminal ([6523](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6253)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman system df` command could be extremely slow when large quantities of images were present ([7406](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7406)).

- Docker-compatible Volume Endpoints (Create, Inspect, List, Remove, Prune) are now available!
- Added an endpoint for generating systemd unit files for containers.
- The `last` parameter to the Libpod container list endpoint now has an alias, `limit` ([6413](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6413)).
- The Libpod image list API new returns timestamps in Unix format, as integer, as opposed to as strings
- The Compat Inspect endpoint for containers now includes port information in NetworkSettings.
- The Compat List endpoint for images now features limited support for the (deprecated) `filter` query parameter ([6797](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6797)).
- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers was not correctly handling bind mounts.
- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers would not return a 404 when the requested image was not present.
- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers did not properly handle Entrypoint and Command from images.
- Fixed a bug where name history information was not properly added in the Libpod Image List endpoint.
- Fixed a bug where the Libpod image search endpoint improperly populated the Description field of responses.
- Added a `noTrunc` option to the Libpod image search endpoint.
- Fixed a bug where the Pod List API would return null, instead of an empty array, when no pods were present ([7392](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7392)).
- Fixed a bug where endpoints that hijacked would do perform the hijack too early, before being ready to send and receive data ([7195](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7195)).
- Fixed a bug where Pod endpoints that can operate on multiple containers at once (e.g. Kill, Pause, Unpause, Stop) would not forward errors from individual containers that failed.
- The Compat List endpoint for networks now supports filtering results ([7462](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7462)).
- Fixed a bug where the Top endpoint for pods would return both a 500 and 404 when run on a non-existant pod.

- Updated Buildah to v1.16.1
- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.23.5
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.22.0


- Fixed a bug where running systemd in a container on a cgroups v1 system would fail.
- Fixed a bug where `/etc/passwd` could be re-created every time a container is restarted if the container's `/etc/passwd` did not contain an entry for the user the container was started as.
- Fixed a bug where containers without an `/etc/passwd` file specifying a non-root user would not start.
- Fixed a bug where the `--remote` flag would sometimes not make remote connections and would instead attempt to run Podman locally.

- Updated the containers/common library to v0.14.10


This is the first release candidate for Podman v2.0.6. It includes several small bugfixes for issues identified with v2.0.5.


- Rootless Podman will now add an entry to `/etc/passwd` for the user who ran Podman if run with `--userns=keep-id`.
- The `podman system connection` command has been reworked to support multiple connections, and reenabled for use!
- Podman now has a new global flag, `--connection`, to specify a connection to a remote Podman API instance.

- Podman's automatic systemd integration (activated by the `--systemd=true` flag, set by default) will now activate for containers using `/usr/local/sbin/init` as their command, instead of just `/usr/sbin/init` and `/sbin/init` (and any path ending in `systemd`).
- Seccomp profiles specified by the `--security-opt seccomp=...` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` will now be honored even if the container was created using `--privileged`.

- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` would not honor the `hostIP` field for port forwarding ([5964](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/5964)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command would panic on an invalid restart policy being specified ([7271](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7271)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command could take a very long time (several minutes) to complete when a large number of images were present.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command with the `--tail` flag would not work properly when a large amount of output would be printed ((7230)[https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7230]).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command with remote Podman would not return a non-zero exit code when the exec session failed to start (e.g. invoking a non-existent command) ([6893](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6893)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman load` command with remote Podman would did not honor user-specified tags ([7124](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7124)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command, when run as a non-root user by Systemd, did not properly handle the Podman pause process and would not restart properly as a result ([7180](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7180)).
- Fixed a bug where the `--publish` flag to `podman create`, `podman run`, and `podman pod create` did not properly handle a host IP of (attempting to bind to literal, instead of all IPs on the system) ([7104](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7014)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman start --attach` command would not print the container's exit code when the command exited due to the container exiting.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman rm` command with remote Podman would not remove volumes, even if the `--volumes` flag was specified ([7128](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7128)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` command with remote Podman and the `--rm` flag could exit before the container was fully removed.
- Fixed a bug where the `--pod new:...` flag to `podman run` and `podman create` would create a pod that did not share any namespaces.
- Fixed a bug where the `--preserve-fds` flag to `podman run` and `podman exec` could close the wrong file descriptors while trying to close user-provided descriptors after passing them into the container.
- Fixed a bug where default environment variables (`$PATH` and `$TERM`) were not set in containers when not provided by the image.
- Fixed a bug where pod infra containers were not properly unmounted after exiting.
- Fixed a bug where networks created with `podman network create` with an IPv6 subnet did not properly set an IPv6 default route.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman save` command would not work properly when its output was piped to another command ([7017](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7017)).
- Fixed a bug where containers using a systemd init on a cgroups v1 system could leak mounts under `/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd` to the host.
- Fixed a bug where `podman build` would not generate an event on completion ([7022](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7022)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman history` command with remote Podman printed incorrect creation times for layers ([7122](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7122)).
- Fixed a bug where Podman would not create working directories specified by the container image if they did not exist.
- Fixed a bug where Podman did not clear `CMD` from the container image if the user overrode `ENTRYPOINT` ([7115](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7115)).
- Fixed a bug where error parsing image names were not fully reported (part of the error message containing the exact issue was dropped).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command with remote Podman did not support printing image tags in Go templates supplied to the `--format` flag ([7123](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7123)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman rmi --force` command would not attempt to unmount containers it was removing, which could cause a failure to remove the image.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could incorrectly quote arguments to Podman that contained whitespace, leading to nonfunctional unit files ([7285](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7285)).
- Fixed a bug where the `podman version` command did not properly include build time and Git commit.
- Fixed a bug where running systemd in a Podman container on a system that did not use the `systemd` cgroup manager would fail ([6734](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/6734)).
- Fixed a bug where capabilities from `--cap-add` were not properly added when a container was started as a non-root user via `--user`.
- Fixed a bug where Pod infra containers were not properly cleaned up when they stopped, causing networking issues ([7103](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7103)).

- Fixed a bug where the libpod and compat Build endpoints did not accept the `application/tar` content type (instead only accepting `application/x-tar`) ([7185](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7185)).
- Fixed a bug where the libpod Exists endpoint would attempt to write a second header in some error conditions ([7197](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7197)).
- Fixed a bug where compat and libpod Network Inspect and Network Remove endpoints would return a 500 instead of 404 when the requested network was not found.
- Added a versioned `_ping` endpoint (e.g. `http://localhost/v1.40/_ping`).
- Fixed a bug where containers started through a systemd-managed instance of the REST API would be shut down when `podman system service` shut down due to its idle timeout ([7294](https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7294)).
- Added stronger parameter verification for the libpod Network Create endpoint to ensure subnet mask is a valid value.
- The `Pod` URL parameter to the Libpod Container List endpoint has been deprecated; the information previously gated by the `Pod` boolean will now be included in the response unconditionally.

- Updated Buildah to v1.15.1
- Updated containers/image library to v5.5.2

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