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- Fixed a bug where Podman could not run containers using an older version of Systemd as init ([3295](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3295))

- Updated vendored Buildah to v1.9.0 to resolve a critical bug with Dockerfile `RUN` instructions
- The error message for running `podman kill` on containers that are not running has been improved
- The Podman remote client can now log to a file if syslog is not available
- The MacOS dmg file is experimental, use at your own risk.


- The `podman exec` command now sets its error code differently based on whether the container does not exist, and the command in the container does not exist
- The `podman inspect` command on containers now outputs Mounts JSON that matches that of `docker inspect`, only including user-specified volumes and differentiating bind mounts and named volumes
- The `podman inspect` command now reports the path to a container's OCI spec with the `OCIConfigPath` key (only included when the container is initialized or running)
- The `podman run --mount` command now supports the `bind-nonrecursive` option for bind mounts ([3314](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3314))

- Fixed a bug where `podman play kube` would fail to create containers due to an unspecified log driver
- Fixed a bug where Podman would fail to build with [musl libc](https://www.musl-libc.org/) ([#3284](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3284))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman using `slirp4netns` networking in an environment with no nameservers on the host other than localhost would result in nonfunctional networking ([3277](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3277))
- Fixed a bug where `podman import` would not properly set environment variables, discarding their values and retaining only keys
- Fixed a bug where Podman would fail to run when built with Apparmor support but run on systems without the Apparmor kernel module loaded ([3331](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3331))

- Remote Podman will now default the username it uses to log in to remote systems to the username of the current user
- Podman now uses JSON logging with OCI runtimes that support it, allowing for better error reporting
- Updated vendored Buildah to v1.8.4
- Updated vendored containers/image to v2.0


- The `podman checkpoint` and `podman restore` commands can now be used to migrate containers between Podman installations on different systems ([1618](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/1618))
- The `podman cp` command now supports a `pause` flag to pause containers while copying into them
- The remote client now supports a configuration file for pre-configuring connections to remote Podman installations

- Fixed CVE-2019-10152 - The `podman cp` command improperly dereferenced symlinks in host context
- Fixed a bug where `podman commit` could improperly set environment variables that contained `=` characters ([3132](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3132))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would sometimes fail to start containers with forwarded ports ([2942](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2942))
- Fixed a bug where `podman version` on the remote client could segfault ([3145](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3145))
- Fixed a bug where `podman container runlabel` would use `/proc/self/exe` instead of the path of the Podman command when printing the command being executed
- Fixed a bug where filtering images by label did not work ([3163](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3163))
- Fixed a bug where specifying a bing mount or tmpfs mount over an image volume would cause a container to be unable to start ([3174](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3174))
- Fixed a bug where `podman generate kube` did not work with containers with named volumes
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would receive `permission denied` errors accessing `conmon.pid` ([3187](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3187))
- Fixed a bug where `podman cp` with a folder specified as target would replace the folder, as opposed to copying into it ([3184](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3184))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman commands could double-unlock a lock, causing a crash ([3207](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3207))
- Fixed a bug where Podman incorrectly set `tmpcopyup` on `/dev/` mounts, causing errors when using the Kata containers runtime ([3229](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3229))
- Fixed a bug where `podman exec` would fail on older kernels ([2968](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2968))

- The `podman commit` command is now usable with the Podman remote client
- The `--signature-policy` flag (used with several image-related commands) has been deprecated
- The `podman unshare` command now defines two environment variables in the spawned shell: `CONTAINERS_RUNROOT` and `CONTAINERS_GRAPHROOT`, pointing to temporary and permanent storage for rootless containers
- Updated vendored containers/storage and containers/image libraries with numerous bugfixes
- Updated vendored Buildah to v1.8.3
- Podman now requires [Conmon v0.2.0](https://github.com/containers/conmon/releases/tag/v0.2.0)
- The `podman cp` command is now aliased as `podman container cp`
- Rootless Podman will now default `init_path` using root Podman's configuration files (`/etc/containers/libpod.conf` and `/usr/share/containers/libpod.conf`) if not overridden in the rootless configuration


- The `podman cp` command can now read input redirected to `STDIN`, and output to `STDOUT` instead of a file, using `-` instead of an argument.
- The Podman remote client now displays version information from both the client and server in `podman version`
- The `podman unshare` command has been added, allowing easy entry into the user namespace set up by rootless Podman (allowing the removal of files created by rootless Podman, among other things)

- Fixed a bug where Podman containers with the `--rm` flag were removing created volumes when they were automatically removed ([3071](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3071))
- Fixed a bug where container and pod locks were incorrectly marked as released after a system reboot, causing errors on container and pod removal ([2900](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2900))
- Fixed a bug where Podman pods could not be removed if any container in the pod encountered an error during removal ([3088](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3088))
- Fixed a bug where Podman pods run with the `cgroupfs` CGroup driver would encounter a race condition during removal, potentially failing to remove the pod CGroup
- Fixed a bug where the `podman container checkpoint` and `podman container restore` commands were not visible in the remote client
- Fixed a bug where `podman remote ps --ns` would not print the container's namespaces ([2938](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2938))
- Fixed a bug where removing stopped containers with healthchecks could cause an error
- Fixed a bug where the default `libpod.conf` file was causing parsing errors ([3095](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3095))
- Fixed a bug where pod locks were not being freed when pods were removed, potentially leading to lock exhaustion
- Fixed a bug where 'podman run' with SD_NOTIFY set could, on short-running containers, create an inconsistent state rendering the container unusable

- The remote Podman client now uses the Varlink bridge to establish remote connections by default
- The MacOS dmg file is experimental, use at your own risk. But we would like to hear the results.


- Podman now supports container restart policies! The `--restart-policy` flag on `podman create` and `podman run` allows containers to be restarted after they exit. Please note that Podman cannot restart containers after a system reboot - for that, see our next feature
- Podman `podman generate systemd` command was added to generate systemd unit files for managing Podman containers
- The `podman runlabel` command now allows a `$GLOBAL_OPTS` variable, which will be populated by global options passed to the `podman runlabel` command, allowing custom storage configurations to be passed into containers run with `runlabel` ([2399](https://github.com/containers/l\
- The `podman play kube` command now allows `File` and `FileOrCreate` volumes
- The `podman pod prune` command was added to prune unused pods
- Added the `podman system migrate` command to migrate containers using older configurations to allow their use by newer Libpod versions ([2935](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2935))
- Podman containers now forward proxy-related environment variables from the host into the container with the `--http-proxy` flag (enabled by default)
- Read-only Podman containers can now create tmpfs filesystems on `/tmp`, `/var/tmp`, and `/run` with the `--read-only-tmpfs` flag (enabled by default)
- The `podman init` command was added, performing all container pre-start tasks without starting the container to allow pre-run debugging

- Fixed a bug where `podman cp` would not copy folders ([2836](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2836))
- Fixed a bug where Podman would panic when the Varlink API attempted too pull a non-existent image ([2860](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2860))
- Fixed a bug where `podman rmi` sometimes did not produce an event when images were deleted
- Fixed a bug where Podman would panic when the Varlink API passed improperly-formatted options when attempting to build ([2869](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2869))
- Fixed a bug where `podman images` would not print a header if no images were present ([2877](https://github.com/containers/libpod/pull/2877))
- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command with `--filter dangling=false` would incorrectly print dangling images instead of images which are not dangling ([2884](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2884))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would panic when any command was run after the system was rebooted ([2894](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2894))
- Fixed a bug where Podman containers in user namespaces would include undesired directories from the host in `/sys/kernel`
- Fixed a bug where `podman create` would panic when trying to create a container whose name already existed
- Fixed a bug where `podman pull` would exit 0 on failing to pull an image ([2785](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2785))
- Fixed a bug where `podman pull` would not properly print the cause of errors that occurred ([2710](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2710))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman commands were not properly suspended via `ctrl-z` in a shell ([2775](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2775))
- Fixed a bug where Podman would error when cleaning up containers when some container mountpoints in `/sys/` were cleaned up already by the closing of the mount namespace
- Fixed a bug where `podman play kube` was not including environment variables from the image run ([2930](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2930))
- Fixed a bug where `podman play kube` would not properly clean up partially-created pods when encountering an error
- Fixed a bug where `podman commit` with the `--change` flag improperly set `CMD` when a multipart value was provided ([2951](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2951))
- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` did not properly validate its arguments, causing Podman to panic
- Fixed a bug where conflicts between mounts created by the `--mount`, `--volume`, and `--tmpfs` flags were not properly reported
- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` flag could not be used with named volumes
- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` flag did not properly set options for created tmpfs filesystems
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could close too many file descriptors, causing Podman to panic ([2964](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2964))
- Fixed a bug where `podman logout` would not print an error when the login was established by `docker login` ([2735](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2735))
- Fixed a bug where `podman stop` would error when not all containers were running ([2993](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2993))
- Fixed a bug where `podman pull` would fail to pull images by shortname if they were not present in the `docker.io` registry
- Fixed a bug where `podman login` would error when credentials were not present if a credential helper was configured ([1675](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/1675))
- Fixed a bug where the `podman system renumber` command and Podman post-reboot state refreshes would not create events
- Fixed a bug where the `podman top` command was not compatible with `docker top` syntax

- Updated vendored Buildah to v1.8.2
- Updated vendored containers/storage to v1.12.6
- Updated vendored containers/psgo to v1.2.1
- Updated to sysregistriesv2, including slight changes to the `registries.conf` config file
- Rootless Podman now places all containers within a single user namespace. This change will not take effect for existing containers until containers are restarted, and containers that are not restarted may not be fully usable
- The `podman run`, `podman create`, `podman start`, `podman restart`, `podman attach`, `podman stop`, `podman port`, `podman rm`, `podman top`, `podman image tree`, `podman generate kube`, `podman umount`, `podman container checkpoint`, and `podman container restore` commands are\
now available in the remote client
- The Podman remote client now builds on Windows
- A major refactor of volumes created using the `podman volume` command was performed. There should be no major user-facing changes, but downgrading from Podman 1.3 to previous versions may render some volumes unable to be removed.
- The `podman events` command now logs events to journald by default. The old behavior (log to file) can be configured in podman.conf via the `events_logger` option
- The `podman commit` command, in versions 1.2 and earlier, included all volumes mounted into the container as image volumes in the committed image. This behavior was incorrect and has been disabled by default; it can be reenabled with the `--include-volumes` flag


- Podman now supports image healthchecks! The `podman healthcheck run` command was added to manually run healthchecks, and the status of a running healthcheck can be viewed via `podman inspect`
- The `podman events` command was added to show a stream of significant events
- The `podman ps` command now supports a `--watch` flag that will refresh its output on a given interval
- The `podman image tree` command was added to show a tree representation of an image's layers
- The `podman logs` command can now display logs for multiple containers at the same time ([2219](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2219))
- The `podman exec` command can now pass file descriptors to the process being executed in the container via the `--preserve-fds` option ([2372](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2372))
- The `podman images` command can now filter images by reference ([2266](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2266))
- The `podman system df` command was added to show disk usage by Podman
- The `--add-host` option can now be used by containers sharing a network namespace ([2504](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2504))
- The `podman cp` command now has an `--extract` option to extract the contents of a Tar archive and copy them into the container, instead of copying the archive itself ([2520](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2520))
- Podman now allows manually specifying the path of the `slirp4netns` binary for rootless networking via the `--network-cmd-path` flag ([2506](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2506))
- Rootless Podman can now be used with a single UID and GID, without requiring a full 65536 UIDs/GIDs to be allocated in `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid` ([1651](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/1651))
- The `podman runlabel` command now supports the `--replace` option to replace containers using the name requested
- Infrastructure containers for Podman pods will now attempt to use the image's `CMD` and `ENTRYPOINT` instead of a fixed command ([2182](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2182))
- The `podman play kube` command now supports the `HostPath` and `VolumeMounts` YAML fields ([2536](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2536))
- Added support to disable creation of `resolv.conf` or `/etc/hosts` in containers by specifying `--dns=none` and `--no-hosts`, respectively, to `podman run` and `podman create` ([2744](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2744))
- The `podman version` command now supports the `{{ json . }}` template (which outputs JSON)
- Podman can now forward ports using the SCTP protocol

- Fixed a bug where directories could not be passed to `podman run --device` ([2380](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2380))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman with the `--config` flag specified would not use appropriate defaults ([2510](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2510))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers using the host network (`--net=host`) would show SELinux as enabled in the container when there were no privileges to use it
- Fixed a bug where importing very large images from `STDIN` could cause Podman to run out of memory
- Fixed a bug where some images would fail to run due to symlinks in paths where Podman would normally mount tmpfs filesystems
- Fixed a bug where `podman play kube` would sometimes segfault ([2209](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2209))
- Fixed a bug where `podman runlabel` did not respect the `$PWD` variable ([2171](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2171))
- Fixed a bug where error messages from refreshing the state in rootless Podman were not properly displayed ([2584](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2584))
- Fixed a bug where rootless `podman build` could not access DNS servers when `slirp4netns` was in use ([2572](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2572))
- Fixed a bug where rootless `podman stop` and `podman rm` would not work on containers which specified a non-root user ([2577](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2577))
- Fixed a bug where container labels whose values contained commas were incorrectly parsed and caused errors creating containers ([2574](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2574))
- Fixed a bug where calling Podman with a nonexistent command would exit 0, instead of with an appropriate error code ([2530](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2530))
- Fixed a bug where rootless `podman exec` would fail when `--user` was specified ([2566](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2566))
- Fixed a bug where, when a container had a name that was a fragment of another container's ID, Podman would refuse to operate on the first container by name
- Fixed a bug where `podman pod create` would fail if a pod shared no namespaces but created an infra container
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman failed on the S390 and CRIS architectures
- Fixed a bug where `podman rm` would exit 0 if no containers specified were found ([2539](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2539))
- Fixed a bug where `podman run` would fail to enable networking for containers with additional CNI networks specified ([2795](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2795))
- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command on the remote client was not displaying digests ([2756](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2756))
- Fixed a bug where Podman was unable to clean up mounts in containers using user namespaces
- Fixed a bug where `podman image save` would, when told to save to a path that exists, return an error, but still delete the file at the given path
- Fixed a bug where specifying environment variables containing commas with `--env` would cause parsing errors ([2712](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2712))
- Fixed a bug where `podman umount` would not error if called with no arguments
- Fixed a bug where the user and environment variables specified by the image used in containers created by `podman create kube` was being ignored ([2665](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2665))
- Fixed a bug where the `podman pod inspect` command would segfault if not given an argument ([2681](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2681))
- Fixed a bug where rootless `podman pod top` would fail ([2682](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2682))
- Fixed a bug where the `podman load` command would not error if an input file is not specified and a file was not redirected to `STDIN`
- Fixed a bug where rootless `podman` could fail if global configuration was altered via flag (for example, `--root`, `--runroot`, `--storage-driver`)
- Fixed a bug where forwarded ports that were part of a range (e.g. 20-30) were displayed individually by `podman ps`, as opposed to together as a range ([1358](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/1358))
- Fixed a bug where `podman run --rootfs` could panic ([2654](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2654))
- Fixed a bug where `podman build` would fail if options were specified after the directory to build ([2636](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2636))
- Fixed a bug where image volumes made by `podman create` and `podman run` would have incorrect permissions ([2634](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2634))
- Fixed a bug where rootless containers were not using the containers/image blob cache, leading to slower image pulls
- Fixed a bug where the `podman image inspect` command incorrectly allowed the `--latest`, `--type`, and `--size` options

- Updated Buildah to v1.7.2
- Updated `psgo` library to v1.2, featuring greatly improved safety during concurrent use
- The `podman events` command may not show all activity regarding images, as only Podman was instrumented; images created, deleted, or pulled by CRI-O or Buildah will not be shown in `podman events`
- The `podman pod top` and `podman pod stats` commands are now usable with the Podman remote client
- The `podman kill` and `podman wait` commands are now usable with the Podman remote client
- Removed the unused `restarting` state and mapped `stopped` (also unused) to `exited` in `podman ps --filter status`
- Podman container, pod, and volume names may now contain the `.` (period) character

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