
Latest version: v5.2.0

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This is the second release candidate for the final Podman 1.6.0 release


This is the first release candidate for v1.6.0. Preliminary release notes follow:

- The `podman network create`, `podman network rm`, `podman network inspect`, and `podman network ls` commands have been added to manage CNI networks used by Podman
- The `podman volume create` command can now create and mount volumes with options, allowing volumes backed by NFS, tmpfs, and many other filesystems
- Podman can now run containers without CGroups for better integration with systemd by using the `--cgroups=disabled` flag with `podman create` and `podman run`. This is presently only supported with the `crun` OCI runtime
- The `podman volume rm` and `podman volume inspect` commands can now refer to volumes by an unambiguous partial name, in addition to full name (e.g. `podman volume rm myvol` to remove a volume named `myvolume`) ([3891](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3891))
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support the `--pull` flag to allow forced re-pulling of images ([3734](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3734))
- Mounting volumes into a container using `--volume`, `--mount`, and `--tmpfs` now allows the `suid`, `dev`, and `exec` mount options (the inverse of `nosuid`, `nodev`, `noexec`) ([3819](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3819))
- The `podman push` command now supports the `--digestfile` option to save a file containing the pushed digest
- Pods can now have their hostname set via `podman pod create --hostname` or providing Pod YAML with a hostname set to `podman play kube` ([3732](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3732))
- The `podman image sign` command now supports the `--cert-dir` flag
- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support the `--security-opt label=filetype:$LABEL` flag to set the SELinux label for container files
- The remote Podman client now supports healthchecks

- Fixed a bug where remote `podman pull` would panic if a Varlink connection was not available ([4013](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/4013))
- Fixed a bug where `podman exec` would not properly set terminal size when creating a new exec session ([3903](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3903))
- Fixed a bug where `podman exec` would not clean up socket symlinks on the host ([3962](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3962))
- Fixed a bug where Podman could not run systemd in containers that created a CGroup namespace
- Fixed a bug where `podman prune -a` would attempt to prune images used by Buildah and CRI-O, causing errors ([3983](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3983))
- Fixed a bug where improper permissions on the `~/.config` directory could cause rootless Podman to use an incorrect directory for storing some files
- Fixed a bug where the bash completions for `podman import` threw errors
- Fixed a bug where Podman volumes created with `podman volume create` would not copy the contents of their mountpoint the first time they were mounted into a container ([3945](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3945))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could not run `podman exec` when the container was not run inside a CGroup owned by the user ([3937](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3937))
- Fixed a bug where `podman play kube` would panic when given Pod YAML without a `securityContext` ([3956](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3956))
- Fixed a bug where Podman would place files incorrectly when `storage.conf` configuration items were set to the empty string ([3952](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3952))
- Fixed a bug where `podman build` did not correctly inherit Podman's CGroup configuration, causing crashed on CGroups V2 systems ([3938](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3938))
- Fixed a bug where `podman cp` would improperly copy files on the host when copying a symlink in the container that included a glob operator ([3829](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3829))
- Fixed a bug where remote `podman run --rm` would exit before the container was completely removed, allowing race conditions when removing container resources ([3870](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3870))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would not properly handle changes to `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid` after a container was launched
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could not include some devices in a container using the `--device` flag ([3905](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3905))
- Fixed a bug where the `commit` Varlink API would segfault if provided incorrect arguments ([3897](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3897))
- Fixed a bug where temporary files were not properly cleaned up after a build using remote Podman ([3869](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3869))
- Fixed a bug where `podman remote cp` crashed instead of reporting it was not yet supported ([3861](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3861))
- Fixed a bug where `podman exec` would run as the wrong user when execing into a container was started from an image with Dockerfile `USER` (or a user specified via `podman run --user`) ([3838](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3838))
- Fixed a bug where images pulled using the `oci:` transport would be improperly named
- Fixed a bug where `podman varlink` would hang when managed by systemd due to SD_NOTIFY support conflicting with Varlink ([3572](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3572))

- Significant changes were made to Podman volumes in this release. If you have pre-existing volumes, it is strongly recommended to run `podman system renumber` after upgrading.
- Version 0.8.1 or greater of the CNI Plugins is now required for Podman
- Version 2.0.1 or greater of Conmon is strongly recommended
- Updated vendored Buildah to v1.11.2
- Improved error messages when trying to run `podman pause` or `podman stats` on a rootless container on a system without CGroups V2 enabled
- `TMPDIR` has been set to `/var/tmp` by default to better handle large temporary files
- `podman wait` has been optimized to detect stopped containers more rapidly
- Podman containers now include a `ContainerManager` annotation indicating they were created by `libpod`
- The `podman info` command now includes information about `slirp4netns` and `fuse-overlayfs` if they are available
- Podman no longer sets a default size of 65kb for tmpfs filesystems
- The default Podman CNI network has been renamed in an attempt to prevent conflicts with CRI-O when both are run on the same system. This should only take effect on system restart
- The output of `podman volume inspect` has been more closely matched to `docker volume inspect`


- The hostname of pods is now set to the pod's name

- Fixed a bug where `podman run` and `podman create` did not honor the `--authfile` option ([3730](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3730))
- Fixed a bug where containers restored with `podman container restore --import` would incorrectly duplicate the Conmon PID file of the original container
- Fixed a bug where `podman build` ignored the default OCI runtime configured in `libpod.conf`
- Fixed a bug where `podman run --rm` (or force-removing any running container with `podman rm --force`) were not retrieving the correct exit code ([3795](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3795))
- Fixed a bug where Podman would exit with an error if any configured hooks directory was not present
- Fixed a bug where `podman inspect` and `podman commit` would not use the correct `CMD` for containers run with `podman play kube`
- Fixed a bug created pods when using rootless Podman and CGroups V2 ([3801](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3801))
- Fixed a bug where the `podman events` command with the `--since` or `--until` options could take a very long time to complete

- Rootless Podman will now inherit OCI runtime configuration from the root configuration ([3781](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3781))
- Podman now properly sets a user agent while contacting registries ([3788](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3788))
- The podman-v1.5.1.tar.gz file attached is podman packaged for MacOS. It can be installed using Homebrew.


- Podman containers can now join the user namespaces of other containers with `--userns=container:$ID`, or a user namespace at an arbitary path with `--userns=ns:$PATH`
- Rootless Podman can experimentally squash all UIDs and GIDs in an image to a single UID and GID (which does not require use of the `newuidmap` and `newgidmap` executables) by passing `--storage-opt ignore_chown_errors`
- The `podman generate kube` command now produces YAML for any bind mounts the container has created ([2303](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2303))
- The `podman container restore` command now features a new flag, `--ignore-static-ip`, that can be used with `--import` to import a single container with a static IP multiple times on the same host
- Added the ability for `podman events` to output JSON by specifying `--format=json`
- If the OCI runtime or `conmon` binary cannot be found at the paths specified in `libpod.conf`, Podman will now also search for them in the calling user's path
- Added the ability to use `podman import` with URLs ([3609](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3609))
- The `podman ps` command now supports filtering names using regular expressions ([3394](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3394))
- Rootless Podman containers with `--privileged` set will now mount in all host devices that the user can access
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now support the `--env-host` flag to forward all environment variables from the host into the container
- Rootless Podman now supports healthchecks ([3523](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3523))
- The format of the `HostConfig` portion of the output of `podman inspect` on containers has been improved and synced with Docker
- Podman containers now support CGroup namespaces, and can create them by passing `--cgroupns=private` to `podman run` or `podman create`
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now support the `--ulimit=host` flag, which uses any ulimits currently set on the host for the container
- The `podman rm` and `podman rmi` commands now use different exit codes to indicate 'no such container' and 'container is running' errors
- Support for CGroups V2 through the `crun` OCI runtime has been greatly improved, allowing resource limits to be set for rootless containers when the CGroups V2 hierarchy is in use

- Fixed a bug where a race condition could cause `podman restart` to fail to start containers with ports
- Fixed a bug where containers restored from a checkpoint would not properly report the time they were started at
- Fixed a bug where `podman search` would return at most 25 results, even when the maximum number of results was set higher
- Fixed a bug where `podman play kube` would not honor capabilities set in imported YAML ([3689](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3689))
- Fixed a bug where `podman run --env`, when passed a single key (to use the value from the host), would set the environment variable in the container even if it was not set on the host ([3648](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3648))
- Fixed a bug where `podman commit --changes` would not properly set environment variables
- Fixed a bug where Podman could segfault while working with images with no history
- Fixed a bug where `podman volume rm` could remove arbitrary volumes if given an ambiguous name ([3635](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3635))
- Fixed a bug where `podman exec` invocations leaked memory by not cleaning up files in tmpfs
- Fixed a bug where the `--dns` and `--net=container` flags to `podman run` and `podman create` were not mutually exclusive ([3553](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3553))
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would be unable to run containers when less than 5 UIDs were available
- Fixed a bug where containers in pods could not be removed without removing the entire pod ([3556](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3556))
- Fixed a bug where Podman would not properly clean up all CGroup controllers for created cgroups when using the `cgroupfs` CGroup driver
- Fixed a bug where Podman containers did not properly clean up files in tmpfs, resulting in a memory leak as containers stopped
- Fixed a bug where healthchecks from images would not use default settings for interval, retries, timeout, and start period when they were not provided by the image ([3525](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3525))
- Fixed a bug where healthchecks using the `HEALTHCHECK CMD` format where not properly supported ([3507](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3507))
- Fixed a bug where volume mounts using relative source paths would not be properly resolved ([3504](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3504))
- Fixed a bug where `podman run` did not use authorization credentials when a custom path was specified ([3524](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3524))
- Fixed a bug where containers checkpointed with `podman container checkpoint` did not properly set their finished time
- Fixed a bug where running `podman inspect` on any container not created with `podman run` or `podman create` (for example, pod infra containers) would result in a segfault ([3500](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3500))
- Fixed a bug where healthcheck flags for `podman create` and `podman run` were incorrectly named ([3455](https://github.com/containers/libpod/pull/3455))
- Fixed a bug where Podman commands would fail to find targets if a partial ID was specified that was ambiguous between a container and pod ([3487](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3487))
- Fixed a bug where restored containers would not have the correct SELinux label
- Fixed a bug where Varlink endpoints were not working properly if `more` was not correctly specified
- Fixed a bug where the Varlink PullImage endpoint would crash if an error occurred ([3715](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3715))
- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` did not allow boolean arguments for its `ro` and `rw` options ([2980](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/2980))
- Fixed a bug where pods did not properly share the UTS namespace, resulting in incorrect behavior from some utilities which rely on hostname ([3547](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3547))
- Fixed a bug where Podman would unconditionally append `ENTRYPOINT` to `CMD` during `podman commit` (and when reporting `CMD` in `podman inspect`) ([3708](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3708))
- Fixed a bug where `podman events` with the `journald` events backend would incorrectly print 6 previous events when only new events were requested ([3616](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3616))
- Fixed a bug where `podman port` would exit prematurely when a port number was specified ([3747](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3747))
- Fixed a bug where passing `.` as an argument to the `--dns-search` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` was not properly clearing DNS search domains in the container

- Updated vendored Buildah to v1.10.1
- Updated vendored containers/image to v3.0.2
- Updated vendored containers/storage to v1.13.1
- Podman now requires conmon v2.0.0 or higher
- The `podman info` command now displays the events logger being in use
- The `podman inspect` command on containers now includes the ID of the pod a container has joined and the PID of the container's conmon process
- The `-v` short flag for `podman --version` has been re-added
- Error messages from `podman pull` should be significantly clearer
- The `podman exec` command is now available in the remote client
- The podman-v1.5.0.tar.gz file attached is podman packaged for MacOS. It can be installed using Homebrew.


- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would attempt to use the entire root configuration if no rootless configuration was present for the user, breaking rootless Podman for new installations
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman's pause process would block SIGTERM, preventing graceful system shutdown and hanging until the system's init send SIGKILL
- Fixed a bug where running Podman as root with `sudo -E` would not work after running rootless Podman at least once
- Fixed a bug where options for `tmpfs` volumes added with the `--tmpfs` flag were being ignored
- Fixed a bug where images with no layers could not properly be displayed and removed by Podman
- Fixed a bug where locks were not properly freed on failure to create a container or pod

- Updated containers/storage to v1.12.13


- Podman now has greatly improved support for containers using multiple OCI runtimes. Containers now remember if they were created with a different runtime using `--runtime` and will always use that runtime
- The `cached` and `delegated` options for volume mounts are now allowed for Docker compatability ([3340](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3340))
- The `podman diff` command now supports the `--latest` flag

- Fixed a bug where `podman cp` on a single file would create a directory at the target and place the file in it ([3384](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3384))
- Fixed a bug where `podman inspect --format '{{.Mounts}}'` would print a hexadecimal address instead of a container's mounts
- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would not add an entry to container's `/etc/hosts` files for their own hostname ([3405](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3405))
- Fixed a bug where `podman ps --sync` would segfault ([3411](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3411))
- Fixed a bug where `podman generate kube` would produce an invalid ports configuration ([3408](https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/3408))

- Podman now performs much better on systems with heavy I/O load
- The `--cgroup-manager` flag to `podman` now shows the correct default setting in help if the default was overridden by `libpod.conf`
- For backwards compatability, setting `--log-driver=json-file` in `podman run` is now supported as an alias for `--log-driver=k8s-file`. This is considered deprecated, and `json-file` will be moved to a new implementation in the future ([3363](https://github.com/containers/libpo\
- Podman's default `libpod.conf` file now allows the [crun](https://github.com/giuseppe/crun) OCI runtime to be used if it is installed

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