What's Changed
* `MPC` nonlinear new version by hakunanh in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/217
* make `nn` import consistent by yash-goel in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/253
* Xyc/liespline by XiangyuChen0212 in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/224
* Fix a minor typo in `lietensor.py` by hxu296 in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/261
* Update the `lqr.py` file, replacing the inverse matrix operation with a least squares solution. by QH-Li-1999 in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/259
* Add reduction param to `pypose.functional.reprojerr` by MarkChenYutian in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/260
* Remove duplicate code by HongLouyemeng in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/267
* Update `LQR` backward, use `cholesky` to solve Ax = B by QH-Li-1999 in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/263
New Contributors
* yash-goel made their first contribution in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/253
* hxu296 made their first contribution in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/261
* QH-Li-1999 made their first contribution in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/259
* MarkChenYutian made their first contribution in https://github.com/pypose/pypose/pull/260
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pypose/pypose/compare/v0.4.4...v0.5.0