- Add four new testing-related APIs to the
``repoze.bfg.configuration.Configurator`` class:
``testing_securitypolicy``, ``testing_models``,
``testing_add_subscriber``, and ``testing_add_template``. These
were added in order to provide more direct access to the
functionality of the ``repoze.bfg.testing`` APIs named
``registerDummySecurityPolicy``, ``registerModels``,
``registerEventListener``, and ``registerTemplateRenderer`` when a
configurator is used. The ``testing`` APIs named are nominally
deprecated (although they will likely remain around "forever", as
they are in heavy use in the wild).
- Add a new API to the ``repoze.bfg.configuration.Configurator``
class: ``add_settings``. This API can be used to add "settings"
(information returned within via the
``repoze.bfg.settings.get_settings`` API) after the configurator has
been initially set up. This is most useful for testing purposes.
- Add a ``custom_predicates`` argument to the ``Configurator``
``add_view`` method, the ``bfg_view`` decorator and the attribute
list of the ZCML ``view`` directive. If ``custom_predicates`` is
specified, it must be a sequence of predicate callables (a predicate
callable accepts two arguments: ``context`` and ``request`` and
returns ``True`` or ``False``). The associated view callable will
only be invoked if all custom predicates return ``True``. Use one
or more custom predicates when no existing predefined predicate is
useful. Predefined and custom predicates can be mixed freely.
- Add a ``custom_predicates`` argument to the ``Configurator``
``add_route`` and the attribute list of the ZCML ``route``
directive. If ``custom_predicates`` is specified, it must be a
sequence of predicate callables (a predicate callable accepts two
arguments: ``context`` and ``request`` and returns ``True`` or
``False``). The associated route will match will only be invoked if
all custom predicates return ``True``, else route matching
continues. Note that the value ``context`` will always be ``None``
when passed to a custom route predicate. Use one or more custom
predicates when no existing predefined predicate is useful.
Predefined and custom predicates can be mixed freely.
- Remove the ``repoze.bfg.testing.registerTraverser`` function. This
function was never an API.
- Doc-deprecated most helper functions in the ``repoze.bfg.testing``
module. These helper functions likely won't be removed any time
soon, nor will they generate a warning any time soon, due to their
heavy use in the wild, but equivalent behavior exists in methods of
a Configurator.