- New API functions named ``forget`` and ``remember`` are available in
the ``security`` module. The ``forget`` function returns headers
which will cause the currently authenticated user to be logged out
when set in a response. The ``remember`` function (when passed the
proper arguments) will return headers which will cause a principal
to be "logged in" when set in a response. See the Security API
chapter of the docs for more info.
- New keyword arguments to the ``repoze.bfg.router.make_app`` call
have been added: ``authentication_policy`` and
``authorization_policy``. These should, respectively, be an
implementation of an authentication policy (an object implementing
the ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy`` interface) and
an implementation of an authorization policy (an object implementing
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IAuthorizationPolicy)``. Concrete
implementations of authentication policies exist in
``repoze.bfg.authentication``. Concrete implementations of
authorization policies exist in ``repoze.bfg.authorization``.
Both ``authentication_policy`` and ``authorization_policy`` default
to ``None``.
If ``authentication_policy`` is ``None``, but
``authorization_policy`` is *not* ``None``, then
``authorization_policy`` is ignored (the ability to do authorization
depends on authentication).
If the ``authentication_policy`` argument is *not* ``None``, and the
``authorization_policy`` argument *is* ``None``, the authorization
policy defaults to an authorization implementation that uses ACLs
We no longer encourage configuration of "security policies" using
ZCML, as previously we did for ``ISecurityPolicy``. This is because
it's not uncommon to need to configure settings for concrete
authorization or authentication policies using paste .ini
parameters; the app entry point for your application is the natural
place to do this.
- Two new abstractions have been added in the way of adapters used by
the system: an ``IAuthorizationPolicy`` and an
``IAuthenticationPolicy``. A combination of these (as registered by
the ``securitypolicy`` ZCML directive) take the place of the
``ISecurityPolicy`` abstraction in previous releases of repoze.who.
The API functions in ``repoze.who.security`` (such as
``authentication_userid``, ``effective_principals``,
``has_permission``, and so on) have been changed to try to make use
of these new adapters. If you're using an older ``ISecurityPolicy``
adapter, the system will still work, but it will print deprecation
warnings when such a policy is used.
- The way the (internal) IViewPermission utilities registered via ZCML
are invoked has changed. They are purely adapters now, returning a
boolean result, rather than returning a callable. You shouldn't have
been using these anyway. ;-)
- New concrete implementations of IAuthenticationPolicy have been
added to the ``repoze.bfg.authentication`` module:
``RepozeWho1AuthenticationPolicy`` which uses ``repoze.who``
identity to retrieve authentication data from and
``RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy``, which uses the ``REMOTE_USER``
value in the WSGI environment to retrieve authentication data.
- A new concrete implementation of IAuthorizationPolicy has been added
to the ``repoze.bfg.authorization`` module:
``ACLAuthorizationPolicy`` which uses ACL inheritance to do
- It is now possible to register a custom
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IForbiddenResponseFactory`` for a given
application. This feature replaces the
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IUnauthorizedAppFactory`` feature previously
described in the Hooks chapter. The IForbiddenResponseFactory will
be called when the framework detects an authorization failure; it
should accept a context object and a request object; it should
return an IResponse object (a webob response, basically). Read the
below point for more info and see the Hooks narrative chapter of the
BFG docs for more info.
Backwards Incompatibilities
- Custom NotFound and Forbidden (nee' Unauthorized) WSGI applications
(registered as a utility for INotFoundAppFactory and
IUnauthorizedAppFactory) could rely on an environment key named
``message`` describing the circumstance of the response. This key
has been renamed to ``repoze.bfg.message`` (as per the WSGI spec,
which requires environment extensions to contain dots).
- The ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IUnauthorizedAppFactory`` interface has
been deprecated in favor of using the new
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IForbiddenResponseFactory`` mechanism.
- The ``view_execution_permitted`` API should now be imported from the
``repoze.bfg.security`` module instead of the ``repoze.bfg.view``
- The ``authenticated_userid`` and ``effective_principals`` APIs in
``repoze.bfg.security`` used to only take a single argument
(request). They now accept two arguments (``context`` and
``request``). Calling them with a single argument is still
supported but issues a deprecation warning. (NOTE: this change was
reverted in 0.9a7; meaning the 0.9 versions of these functions
again accept ``request`` only, just like 0.8 and before).
- Use of "old-style" security policies (those base on ISecurityPolicy)
is now deprecated. See the "Security" chapter of the docs for info
about activating an authorization policy and an authentication poicy.