- You can now override the NotFound and Unauthorized responses that
``repoze.bfg`` generates when a view cannot be found or cannot be
invoked due to lack of permission. See the "ZCML Hooks" chapter in
the docs for more information.
- Added Routes ZCML directive attribute explanations in documentation.
- Added a ``traversal_path`` API to the traversal module; see the
"traversal" API chapter in the docs. This was a function previously
known as ``split_path`` that was not an API but people were using it
anyway. Unlike ``split_path``, it now returns a tuple instead of a
list (as its values are cached).
Behavior Changes
- The ``repoze.bfg.view.render_view_to_response`` API will no longer
raise a ValueError if an object returned by a view function it calls
does not possess certain attributes (``headerlist``, ``app_iter``,
``status``). This API used to attempt to perform a check using the
``is_response`` function in ``repoze.bfg.view``, and raised a
``ValueError`` if the ``is_response`` check failed. The
responsibility is now the caller's to ensure that the return value
from a view function is a "real" response.
- WSGI environ dicts passed to ``repoze.bfg`` 's Router must now
contain a REQUEST_METHOD key/value; if they do not, a KeyError will
be raised (speed).
- It is no longer permissible to pass a "nested" list of principals to
``repoze.bfg.ACLAuthorizer.permits`` (e.g. ``['fred', ['larry',
'bob']]``). The principals list must be fully expanded. This
feature was never documented, and was never an API, so it's not a
backwards incompatibility.
- It is no longer permissible for a security ACE to contain a "nested"
list of permissions (e.g. ``(Allow, Everyone, ['read', ['view',
['write', 'manage']]])`)`. The list must instead be fully expanded
(e.g. ``(Allow, Everyone, ['read', 'view', 'write', 'manage])``). This
feature was never documented, and was never an API, so it's not a
backwards incompatibility.
- The ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesRootFactory`` now injects the
``wsgiorg.routing_args`` environment variable into the environ when
a route matches. This is a tuple of ((), routing_args) where
routing_args is the value that comes back from the routes mapper
match (the "match dict").
- The ``repoze.bfg.traversal.RoutesModelTraverser`` class now wants to
obtain the ``view_name`` and ``subpath`` from the
``wsgiorgs.routing_args`` environment variable. It falls back to
obtaining these from the context for backwards compatibility.
Implementation Changes
- Get rid of ``repoze.bfg.security.ACLAuthorizer``: the
``ACLSecurityPolicy`` now does what it did inline.
- Get rid of ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.NoAuthorizationInformation``
exception: it was used only by ``ACLAuthorizer``.
- Use a homegrown NotFound error instead of ``webob.exc.HTTPNotFound``
(the latter is slow).
- Use a homegrown Unauthorized error instead of
``webob.exc.Unauthorized`` (the latter is slow).
- the ``repoze.bfg.lru.lru_cached`` decorator now uses functools.wraps
in order to make documentation of LRU-cached functions possible.
- Various speed micro-tweaks.
Bug Fixes
- ``repoze.bfg.testing.DummyModel`` did not have a ``get`` method;
it now does.