- Expose a single ILogger named "repoze.bfg.debug" as a utility; this
logger is registered unconditionally and is used by the authorization
debug machinery. Applications may also make use of it as necessary
rather than inventing their own logger, for convenience.
- The ``BFG_DEBUG_AUTHORIZATION`` envvar and the ``debug_authorization``
config file value now only imply debugging of view-invoked security
checks. Previously, information was printed for every call to
``has_permission`` as well, which made output confusing. To debug
``has_permission`` checks and other manual permission checks, use the
debugger and print statements in your own code.
- Authorization debugging info is now only present in the HTTP response
body oif ``debug_authorization`` is true.
- The format of authorization debug messages was improved.
- A new ``BFG_DEBUG_NOTFOUND`` envvar was added and a symmetric
``debug_notfound`` config file value was added. When either is true, and
a NotFound response is returned by the BFG router (because a view could
not be found), debugging information is printed to stderr. When this
value is set true, the body of HTTPNotFound responses will also contain
the same debugging information.
- ``Allowed`` and ``Denied`` responses from the security machinery are now
specialized into two types: ACL types, and non-ACL types. The
ACL-related responses are instances of ``repoze.bfg.security.ACLAllowed``
and ``repoze.bfg.security.ACLDenied``. The non-ACL-related responses are
``repoze.bfg.security.Allowed`` and ``repoze.bfg.security.Denied``. The
allowed-type responses continue to evaluate equal to things that
themselves evaluate equal to the ``True`` boolean, while the denied-type
responses continue to evaluate equal to things that themselves evaluate
equal to the ``False`` boolean. The only difference between the two
types is the information attached to them for debugging purposes.
- Added a new ``BFG_DEBUG_ALL`` envvar and a symmetric ``debug_all`` config
file value. When either is true, all other debug-related flags are set
true unconditionally (e.g. ``debug_notfound`` and
- Added info about debug flag changes.
- Added a section to the security chapter named "Debugging Imperative
Authorization Failures" (for e.g. ``has_permssion``).
Bug Fixes
- Change default paster template generator to use ``Pastehttp`` server
rather than ``PasteScriptcherrpy`` server. The cherrypy server has a
security risk in it when ``REMOTE_USER`` is trusted by the downstream