
Latest version: v3.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- pip install path remap [\866]( ([j0yu](

**Closed issues:**

- rez-pip - no case for ../../include/... file [\861](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fixed bug in test variant selection [\842]( ([nerdvegas](
- pre_test_commands [\844]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- tests "on_variants" not working as expected in some cases [\841](
- pre_test_commands [\843](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Install as package part2 [\845]( ([nerdvegas](
- Allow absolute path for build directory [\853]( ([joehigham-bss](
- [rez-pip] Fix for ptvsd install [\855]( ([j0yu](

**Closed issues:**

- "rez-pip -i ptvsd" produces bad package [\821](


[Source]( | [Diff](


Misc Python-3 related issues.

**Merged pull requests:**

- PR: Fix "StringIO" imports and accesses. [\850]( ([KelSolaar](
- PR: Use "QtCompat" to handle "QHeaderView" incompatibilities and fix broken "resolve" button in "rez-gui". [\851]( ([KelSolaar](

**Closed issues:**

- "ImportError" exception raised while using "rez-gui" in Python 3. [\848](
- "AttributeError" exception raised when using "rez-gui" Package Browser with Pyside2 . [\849](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- [Feature] Add rez-pip extra args passthrough [\827]( ([lambdaclan](

**Closed issues:**

- rez-pip creates .pyc files by default [\816](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- deprecate trailing underscored sourcefiles [\839]( ([nerdvegas](
- Minor pr3 fixes [\840]( ([nerdvegas](

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