
Latest version: v3.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Feature/1256 add git bash shell plugin [\1280]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- add git-bash shell plugin [\1256](


[Source]( | [Diff](


This release adds path normalization to shells. Usually we use POSIX-style paths in
package commands (eg `env.PATH.append('{root}/bin')`. In previous rez versions,
this path was left unchanged, leading to odd paths on Windows like
`C:\svr\packages\foo\1.2.3/bin`. This hasn't been a problem however, since Windows is
tolerant of a mix of forward and back slashes. Now though, you should see paths on
Windows set correctly, ie `C:\svr\packages\foo\1.2.3\bin`.

Please be aware of this change in behavior in case it affects you.

**Merged pull requests:**

- Feature/1269 formalize paths in package commands [\1273]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- formalize paths in package commands [\1269](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Feature/1271 improve shell parameterization in tests [\1272]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- improve shell parameterization in tests [\1271](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- added package fam removal func, and tests [\1252]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- add ability to delete package family [\1248](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add package filter tests, fix 1237 [\1238]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- rez-test breaks with packages that do not have a timestamp attribute [\1237](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix: make cmake install directives whitespace friendly [\1244]( ([maxnbk](

**Closed issues:**

- rez_install_files with LOCAL_SYMLINK fails when an input file has whitespaces in its name [\553](

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