
Latest version: v3.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- rez.util.ProgressBar checks `Bar.__del__` exists before invocation 769 [\774]( ([willjp](

**Closed issues:**

- rez-depends -- AttributeError: type object 'Bar' has no attribute '__del__' (win, py-3, rez-2.47.7) [\769](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Issue 763 prompt leak [\767]( ([nerdvegas](
- Fixes cmd due to oversight in 9c8334a106de900964e52f1ed8ee4155acdfe142 [\770]( ([bfloch](
- Skip `test_build_cmake` on Windows. [\772]( ([bfloch](

**Closed issues:**

- cross-shell prompt leakage can cause error [\763](


[Source]( | [Diff](


* Rez-pip: Add a new logic to find which pip will be used to install pip packages.
* Rez-pip: New deprecation warning when --pip-version is used.
* See for more details on rez-pip.

**Merged pull requests:**

- rez-pip: Assume pip provided by python package [\757]( ([JeanChristopheMorinPerso](

**Closed issues:**

- rez-pip should assume python provided pip [\706](
- rez-pip python 3 error [\764](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Subproc wrapper part2 [\762]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- ResourceWarning with ResolvedContext.execute_shell (py3) [\761](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- revert progress iteration and update vendored [\766]( ([maxnbk](

**Closed issues:**

- rez-depends -- 'ProgressBar' object is not an iterator (py-3, rez-2.47.4) [\765](


[Source]( | [Diff](


More Python3 compatibility changes.

**Merged pull requests:**

- use subprocess in 'text' mode in most cases [\753]( ([nerdvegas](
- add __bool__ operator [\755]( ([nerdvegas](

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