
Latest version: v3.1.1

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[Source]( | [Diff](


Misc Py3 compatibility updates, part 3.

**Merged pull requests:**

- bytecode / pycache related changes [\733]( ([maxnbk](
- address py3.8 deprecation of collections direct ABC access [\740]( ([maxnbk](
- fix metaclass usage in example code [\741]( ([maxnbk](
- Vendor readme [\738]( ([nerdvegas](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- install variant.json file in the same manner as other extra install files [\731]( ([nerdvegas](

**Closed issues:**

- permissions failure on release (variant.json) [\730](


[Source]( | [Diff](


Misc Py3 compatibility updates, part 2.

**Merged pull requests:**

- update imports in vendored pydot for py3 [\728]( ([maxnbk](
- update vendored schema for py3 [\729]( ([maxnbk](


[Source]( | [Diff](


Misc Py3 compatibility updates, part 2.

**Merged pull requests:**

- pull basestring from six.string_types - py2 gets basestring, py3 gets str [\721]( ([maxnbk](
- import StringIO from six.moves [\722]( ([maxnbk](
- update vendored colorama from 0.3.1 to 0.4.1 [\723]( ([maxnbk](
- update vendored memcache from 1.5.3 to 1.5.9 [\724]( ([maxnbk](
- make Version properly iterable in py3 [\725]( ([maxnbk](
- modernize function manipulations and attrs [\727]( ([maxnbk](


[Source]( | [Diff](


Misc Py3 compatibility updates.

**Merged pull requests:**

- very small py3 compat changes [\712]( ([maxnbk](
- .next() to next() [\713]( ([maxnbk](
- yaml upgrade [\714]( ([maxnbk](
- improve non-string iterable handling [\715]( ([maxnbk](
- replace async with block to avoid py3 async keyword [\716]( ([maxnbk](
- import queue module through six [\717]( ([maxnbk](
- swap 2.6 support for 3.x in version module [\718]( ([maxnbk](


[Source]( | [Diff](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fixed bez breaking on old-style print [\705]( ([nerdvegas](
- zsh tests passing by way of enabling analogue for bash shell completion [\711]( ([maxnbk](

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