
Latest version: v0.15.7

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- ENH: Added to_raster method for Datasets (issue 76)


- BUG: ensure band_key is list when iterating over bands for mask and scale (pull 87)


- Add support for writing scales & offsets to raster (pull 79)
- Don't write standard raster metadata to raster tags (issue 78)


- Fixed windowed writing to require tiled output raster (pull 66)
- Write data array attributes using `rio.to_raster` (issue 64)
- Write variable name to descriptions if possible in `rio.to_raster` (issue 64)
- Add `mask_and_scale` option to `rioxarray.open_rasterio()` (issue 67)
- Hide NotGeoreferencedWarning warning when subdatasets are present using open_rasterio (issue 65)
- Add support for loading in 1D variables in `xarray.open_rasterio()` (issue 43)
- Load in netCDF metadata on the variable level (pull 73)
- Add rioxarray.merge module (issue 46)


- Renamed `descriptions` to `long_name` when opening with `open_rasterio()` (pull 63)
- Make `units` & `long_name` scalar if they exist in rasterio attributes (pull 63)


- Add support for netcdf/hdf groups with different shapes (pull 62)

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