
Latest version: v0.15.7

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- ENH: Added optional `shape` argument to `rio.reproject` (pull 116)
- Fix ``RasterioDeprecationWarning`` (pull 117)
- BUG: Make rio.shape order same as rasterio dataset shape (height, width) (pull 121)
- Fix open_rasterio() for WarpedVRT with specified src_crs (pydata/xarray/pull/4104 & pull 120)
- BUG: Use internal reprojection as engine for resampling window in merge (pull 123)


- ENH: Added :func:`rioxarray.show_versions` (issue 106)


- BUG: Use recalc=True when using transform internally & ensure stable when coordinates unavailable. (issue 97)


- ENH: Add variable names to error messages for clarity (pull 99)
- BUG: Use assign_coords in _decode_datetime_cf (issue 101)


- BUG: Fix 'rio.set_spatial_dims' so information saved with 'rio' accesors (issue 94)
- ENH: Make 'rio.isel_window' available for datasets (pull 95)


- ENH: Use pyproj.CRS internally to manage GDAL 2/3 transition (issue 92)
- ENH: Add MissingCRS exceptions for 'rio.clip' and 'rio.reproject' (pull 93)

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