
Latest version: v0.15.7

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- DEP: Support Python 3.10-3.12 (pull 723)
- DEP: rasterio 1.3+, pyproj 3.3+ (pull 725, 727)
- DEP: xarray 2022.3.0+ & numpy 1.23+ (pull 728)
- ENH: Robust handling of GCPs without `z` component (issue 731)


- BUG: Fix setting spatial dims internally during propagation (pull 682)
- ENH: Pass on on-disk chunk sizes as preferred chunk sizes to the xarray backend (pull 678)
- MNT: add __all__ to top level module (issue 680)


- BUG: Fix :mod:`rioxarray.merge` CRS check (pull 655)
- BUG: Remove tags with metadata added by rasterio in :func:`rioxarray.open_rasterio` (issue 666)


- DEP: Drop Python 3.8 support (issue 582)
- DEP: pin rasterio>=1.2 (pull 642)
- BUG: Fix WarpedVRT in :func:`rioxarray.open_rasterio` when band_as_variable=True (issue 644)
- BUG: Fix usage of `encode_cf_variable` in `rio.to_raster` (pull 652)


- DEP: pin numpy>=1.21 (pull 636)


- BUG: Handle data type error in `rio.reproject` (issue 618)

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