
Latest version: v0.15.7

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- BUG: Improve WarpedVRT support for gcps (pull 351)


- BUG: pass kwargs with lock=False (issue 344)
- BUG: Close file handle with lock=False (pull 346)


- DEP: Python 3.7+ (issue 215)
- DEP: xarray 0.17+ (needed for issue 282)
- REF: Store `grid_mapping` in `encoding` instead of `attrs` (issue 282)
- ENH: enable `engine="rasterio"` via xarray backend API (issue 197 pull 281)
- ENH: Generate 2D coordinates for non-rectilinear sources (issue 290)
- ENH: Add `encoded` kwarg to `rio.write_nodata` (discussions 313)
- ENH: Added `decode_times` and `decode_timedelta` kwargs to `rioxarray.open_rasterio` (issue 316)
- BUG: Use float32 for smaller dtypes when masking (discussions 302)
- BUG: Return correct transform in `rio.transform` with non-rectilinear transform (discussions 280)
- BUG: Update to handle WindowError in rasterio 1.2.2 (issue 286)
- BUG: Don't generate x,y coords in `rio` methods if not previously there (pull 294)
- BUG: Preserve original data type for writing to disk (issue 305)
- BUG: handle lock=True in open_rasterio (issue 273)


- BUG: Compatibility changes with xarray 0.17 (issue 254)
- BUG: Raise informative error in interpolate_na if missing nodata (250)


- REF: Reduce pyproj.CRS internal usage for speed (issue 241)
- ENH: Add `rioxarray.set_options` to disable exporting CRS CF grid mapping (issue 241)
- BUG: Handle merging 2D DataArray (discussion 244)


- ENH: Added `rio.estimate_utm_crs` (issue 181)
- ENH: Add support for merging datasets with different CRS (issue 173)
- ENH: Add support for using dask in `rio.to_raster` (issue 9, pull 219, pull 223)
- ENH: Use the list version of `transform_geom` with rasterio 1.2+ (issue 180)
- ENH: Support driver autodetection with rasterio 1.2+ (issue 180)
- ENH: Allow multithreaded, lockless reads with `rioxarray.open_rasterio` (issue 214)
- ENH: Add support to clip from disk (issue 115)
- BUG: Allow `rio.write_crs` when spatial dimensions not found (pull 186)
- BUG: Update to support rasterio 1.2+ merge (issue 180)

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