
Latest version: v5.4.0

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This release fixes two bugs for W0326 ``mixed-task-test-settings`` and I0920 ``unused-variable`` rules. W1015 ``misaligned-continuation-row`` was also extended with ``ignore_run_keywords`` option (default True).

Release notes at [release notes](


This release brings 4 new rules:
- I10101 ``unused-keyword`` community rule
- W1018 ``first-argument-in-new-line`` rule
- W0927 ``test-case-section-out-of-orde``
- W0928 ``keyword-section-out-of-order``

Rule I0912 ``empty-variable`` was also adjusted to allow to configure whether variables in *** Variables *** section or VAR variables should be detected.

Thanks to szymonslodkowski for contributing 3 new rules.

Release notes at [release notes](


This release brings three new rules for order of the imports.
Big thanks for szymonslodkowski contribution with the new rules.

Release notes at [release notes](


Release notes at [release notes](


Release notes at [release notes](


Fixed W0204 ``missing-doc-resource-file`` not raised if the file contained ``*** Settings ***`` section (1046).

Read more in [full release notes](

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