
Latest version: v5.4.0

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New rules
- W1009 (empty-line-after-section) - check if there are empty lines after section header and before any other line (198)

- Fix empty-section unnecessary raised for *** Comments *** section (234)
- Fix rule for invalid syntax for [Teardown]
- Fix duplicated name rule for Variables import (it never ran due to typo)
- Reword too-many-arguments warning text (remove sentence suggesting splitting arguments to new lines) (224)
- Fix not-capitalized-keyword-name to ignore special characters (226)
- Fix not-capitalized-keyword-name to ignore possible library imports (214)

- Robocop now supports printing relative paths in rule message with {source_rel} (222)
- Rules are now ordered in the docs (217 and 228)
- Added acceptance testing for all rules (46)

- [Szabolcs Tóth]( who fixed #234


Robocop 1.1.0 introduces new rule, moves existing rule to another group and enhances `--list` feature. Details:

Changes to rules
- Added "mixed-tabs-and-spaces" rule for verifying if file does not contain both tabs and spaces
- Renamed "ineven-indent" rule to "uneven-indent". Moved "uneven-indent" and "bad-indent" rules from `misc` to `spacing` group.
**This is not backwards compatible change - the rule IDs change from "0904" and "0905" to "1007" and "1008" respectively**

Enhanced `--list` CLI option
- Added option to pass glob pattern to `--list`

robocop --list some-rule*

- Added `--list-configurables` option to list rules with their configurable parameters

- Updated examples in `external-checkers.rst`

- [Szabolcs Tóth]( who created "mixed-tabs-and-spaces" rule and updated our docs


This release fixes the issue with circular imports when using Robocop installed from PyPi.


Initial release of Robocop

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