
Latest version: v5.4.0

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Fix issues with variable naming rules causing Robocop to crash on escaped or invalid variable definition.

Read more in [full release notes](


Several new rules for detecting unreachable code, multiline IFs, empty templates and invalid sections in resource file.
The variable naming rules (W0310 ``non-local-variables-should-be-uppercase`` and W0309
``section-variable-not-uppercase``) were also updated to support nested variables.

This release also contains fixes for W1015 ``misaligned-continuation-row`` rule, deprecating warning not appearing for
rules from ``--configure`` option. Also, the W0704 ``ignored-data`` rule provides better support for language headers.

Read more in [full release notes](


This version hugely improves the experience of using Robocop
within the IDEs by fixing the locations of rule violations in code, which
in turn results in correct underlining of the issues.
Try it out and let us know what you think!

There are backward-incompatible changes to the W1008 `bad-indent` rule
and its parameters (described in details in the release notes).

This release also drops the support for Python 3.6, and the minimum
required version now is Python 3.7+.

Read more in [full release notes](


Recent update to configuration argument files in Robocop 2.8.0 introduced a bug where option values were appended by a path to the argument file directory. It should be fixed with this release.

Read more in [full release notes](


New release with addition of nested argument configuration files, ``--list`` option with filtering by enabled/disabled rule status and new rule ``missing-doc-resource-file``.

Read more in [full release notes](


Fixes and improvements to the robocop file configuration, language header support and pre-commit configuration file.

Read more in [full release notes](

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