
Latest version: v5.4.0

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This release focuses on better support for Robot Framework 6.0 and improvements to our documentation and spacing rules.

Several other changes are listed in [full release notes](


Several changes to our spacing and comments rules and also initial suppport for Robot Framework 5.1 features such as languages or ``AS`` markers.

Robot Framework 5.1 support

Language markers

Robocop now supports reading the Robot Framework files in different languages
using ``--language`` option. More details in our [docs]( (646).

WITH NAME deprecated in favour of AS

Alias for library import can be now defined using ``AS`` marker (same as in Python).
``WITH NAME`` will be gradually deprecated in the future Robot Framework versions.
That's why we added support for ``AS`` marker to existing rules and created new
rule ``deprecated-with-name`` which will warn on ``WITH NAME`` usage starting from RF 5.1 (642).

Empty lines handling refactor (708)

We changed how we're recognizing the empty lines in spacing rules.
Previously ``consecutive-empty-lines``, ``empty-lines-between-keywords`` and ``empty-lines-between-test-cases``
rules ignored comments. This lead to suprising behaviours, for example following code reported three empty lines
between keywords:

*** Keywords ***

comment 1

comment 2

Second Keyword

Detecting end of the keyword / test was also not working correctly (in above example `` comment 1`` should belong
to ``Keyword`` and do not count towards empty lines between keywords).
``consecutive-empty-lines`` now also works inside ``IF``, ``FOR``, ``WHILE`` and ``TRY`` blocks.

Configurable ``todo-in-comment``

New ``markers`` parameter in ``todo-in-comment`` rule that allows to define your own
markers that should be reported when found in the comment (674).

Configurable block comments in ``missing-space-after-comment``

New ``block`` parameter in ``missing-space-after-comment`` rule that allows to define
pattern for block comments that should be ignored by the rule (689)

Keywords inside run keywords are now parsed

Keywords inside keywords like ``Run Keywords`` or ``Run Keyword If`` are now recognized
and handled by keyword rules (691, 520).


- ``too-few-calls-in-test-case`` now properly count keywords inside templated tests.
It is now also possible to ignore templated tests in ``too-few-calls-in-test-case`` rule
with ``ignore_templated`` parameter (685)
- ``too-few-calls-in-test-case`` and ``too-few-calls-in-keyword`` now counts new RF 5.0 syntax (such as
``RETURN`` or ``BREAK`` statements). The code inside ``IF``, ``FOR``, ``WHILE`` and ``TRY`` blocks is now
also recognized by those rules (704)
- several naming rules now reports with more precise location (290)
- duplicated import name now acknowledge the aliased name (699)
- external rules are now properly loaded from installed Python module (709)
- critical failures in Robot Framework that cause Robocop to stop working are now wrapped with more
user friendly message (586)


Big thanks to everyone:
ger-kil, Lucas-C, antonpaa and UliSei for raising issues and helping to improve
our documentation.
rikerfi for extending our comment rules


Several improvements and fixes for Robocop reports & first updates for upcoming Robot Framework 5.1 release. Rule severity can be also be dynamic depending on the rule other parameters.

Reports improvements & fixes
- Not all reports will be generated when using ``--reports all`` option. Some reports were internal only or produced files which may be not desired. Reports that are not enabled by ``all`` and only with specific mention (ie ``--reports sarif``) are marked in our docs ([reports docs]( (#662)
- It is possible now to change order of the reports in the output using ``--reports`` option. Before this release reports were generated in order they are implemented in Robocop code. Now if typu configure ``--reports x,y`` then first report ``x`` and then report ``y`` will be generated. You can also combine it with ``all`` if you only want one report at the top and rest in default order: ``--reports x,all`` (664)
- Invalid report name will now fail and suggest alternative if you made a typo - previously invalid report name was silenty ignored. For example it was possible to configure ``--reports timestamps`` (instead of ``timestamp``) and user was not aware of it (665)

Sarif report
Robocop can now generate report in ``sarif`` format. This format is accepted by various CI platforms as result of code scanning and can be used to integrate into Github CI (more details in our [docs]( (#638)

Configurable rule severity
It is now possible to configure rule to report with different rule severity depending if the rule exceed given thresholds (614).
For example if you want ``line-too-long`` rule to issue warning on lines above 120 characters long and error on lines longer than 200 character you can configure it using ``severity_threshold``:

robocop -c line-too-long:line_length=120 -c line-too-long:severity_threshold:warning=120:error=200

More on the feature in our [docs](

``too-few-calls-in-test-case`` rule
New rule ``too-few-calls-in-test-case``. If the test case have less that allowed number of keyword calls (1 by default) it will report an error.

- Replaced ``toml`` with ``tomli`` library (for parsing our configuration files). ``tomli`` library was selected to be part of Python vendored-in libraries in future Python release (609)
- Handle new reserved tags in Robot Framework 5.1 (660)
- You can ignore documentation in ``too-long-test-case`` and ``too-long-keyword`` rules with new ``ignore_docs`` parameter (``False`` by default) (613)
- Relative paths in the ``pyproject.toml`` configuration file are now resolved using configuration file parent directory as parent (and not using tool current working directory which lead to unexpected behaviour) (612)

Big thanks to ds-dustenharrison, bollwyvl, adrszad, ZephyrusMB, phermann-DGL, rikerfi for raising the issues and providing the feedback.


New report and small fix.

Timestamp report
Report that returns Robocop execution timestamp (628 637). Example:

Reported: 2022-07-10 21:25:00 +0300

Handle comments with separators inside
When comment in Robot Framework contains more than one space of separator inside, it is recognized as two separate comments under the hood. It lead to a few small bugs when processing such comments - it is now resolved (634).
Additionally block comments (starting with `) are now ignored by ``missing-space-after-comment`` rule.

Big thanks to MoreFamed , UliSei for raising the issues and rikerfi for implementing the ``timestamp`` report.


Updates to rule severity and threshold handling.

- Fixed the bug where the overriden rule severity wasn't taken into account by reports (623)
- Threshold severity can be now configured the same way the rule severity is configured (624)
- Invalid threshold value now raises an error instead of silently using INFO severity (624)

Updated Robocop python requirements to ">=3.6". The requirement did not change but we were missing this data in our metadata (621).

Acknowledgements 💪🏻
UliSei for raising the issues regarding our rule & threshold severity


You can configure it using "all" or "version":

robocop --reports version src

Naming rules changes
Update to some of our naming rules done by jannek76 (615).
- ``wrong-case-in-keyword-name`` rule received a new parameter: ``pattern``. It allows you to define pattern that will be ignored from the keyword name. It's useful when Robocop doesn't detect the name of the keyword correctly (it works as a workaround for 595).

- ``not-allowed-char-in-name`` split to ``not-allowed-char-in-name`` (which now covers test case and keyword names) and ``not-allowed-char-in-filename`` (which now covers suite names). Same as the original rule, ``not-allowed-char-in-filename`` also accepts ``patern`` that defines which characters are not allowed in a name. This split allows you to configure ``patern`` separately for suite and test/keyword names.

Acknowledgements 💪🏻
Big thanks to everyone!
jannek76 For improving our (not-so-simple) naming rules
rikerfi For adding new report

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