
Latest version: v7.0.1

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Robot Framework 3.0 is a new major release with Python 3 support and a new powerful listener interface that allows modifying executed tests as well as execution results. Also start-up scripts have been enhanced and it is now possible to run tests with new `robot` command and like `python -m robot`. See the [full release notes]( for more information about new features, bug fixes, backwards incompatible changes and deprecated features.

Source distribution is available at [PyPI]( and pip users can simply run `pip install --upgrade robotframework` to install or upgrade to the latest release.

The standalone JAR distribution with Jython 2.7 is available at [Maven central]( As discussed in issue 2218, separate Windows installers are not created anymore.

Robot Framework 3.0 was released on Thursday December 31, 2015.


Robot Framework 3.0 beta 1 is the last planned preview release before release candidates and the final 3.0 release. The biggest enhancements in Robot Framework 3.0 are Python 3 support and a new listener interface that allows modifying executed tests as well as execution results. Also start-up scripts have been enhanced and it is now possible to run tests with `robot` command and like `python -m robot`. See the [full release notes]( for more information about new features, bug fixes, backwards incompatible changes and deprecated features in Robot Framework 3.0.

Source distribution is available at [PyPI]( and pip users can simply run `pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework` to install or upgrade to the latest release or `pip install robotframework==3.0b1` to install exactly this version.

Separate Windows installers are not created and the plan is not to create them even for final releases in the future (2218). The standalone jar distribution can be created and added here if there are requests, but we only upload final releases to the [Maven central](

Robot Framework 3.0 beta 1 was released on Wednesday December 23, 2015.


Robot Framework 3.0 alpha 2 is the second preview of the next Robot Framework major version. The biggest enhancement it contains is Python 3 support, but also new generic `robot` start-up script have been introduced.

Biggest change in alpha 2 over alpha 1 is improvement in the execution speed when using listeners. The issue list at the end of [full release notes]( mentions for each issue whether it came in alpha 1 or 2.

Source distribution is available at [PyPI]( and pip users can simply run `pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework` to install or upgrade to the latest release or `pip install robotframework==3.0a2` to install exactly this version.

Separate Windows installers are not created and the plan is not to create them even for final releases in the future (2218). The standalone jar distribution can be created and added here if there are requests, but we only upload final releases to the [Maven central](

Robot Framework 3.0 alpha 2 was released on Thursday December 10, 2015.


Robot Framework 3.0 alpha 1 is the first preview of the next Robot Framework major version. The biggest enhancement it contains is Python 3 support, but also new generic `robot` start-up script have been introduced. For more details see the [full release notes](

Source distribution is available at [PyPI]( and pip users can simply run `pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework` to install or upgrade to the latest release or `pip install robotframework==3.0a1` to install exactly this version.

Separate Windows installers are not created and the plan is not to create them even for final releases in the future (2218). The standalone jar distribution can be created and added here if there are requests, but we only upload final releases to the [Maven central](

Robot Framework 3.0 alpha 1 was released on Thursday November 19, 2015.


Robot Framework 2.9.2 fixes broken AutoItLibrary support, adds IronPython support to the Dialogs library, and contains several other fixes and enhancements. For more details see the [full release notes](

Source distribution and Windows installers are available at [PyPI]( and the standalone JAR with Jython 2.7 at [Maven central]( Pip users can simply run `pip install --upgrade robotframework` to install or upgrade to the latest release or `pip install robotframework==2.9.2` to install exactly this version.

Robot Framework 2.9.2 was released on Friday October 9, 2015.


Robot Framework 2.9.1 is a bug fix release that fixes few high priority bugs in
Robot Framework 2.9. For more details see the [full release notes](

Source distribution and Windows installers are available at [PyPI]( and the standalone JAR with Jython 2.7 at [Maven central]( Pip users can simply run `pip install --upgrade robotframework` to install or upgrade to the latest release or `pip install robotframework==2.9.1` to install exactly this version.

Robot Framework 2.9.1 was released on Friday August 28, 2015.

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